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Смотреть что такое "squiggled" в других словарях:

  • squiggled — squig·gle || skwɪgl n. short and wavy line, wiggly mark v. make short and wavy lines, scribble, scrawl; wiggle, twist and turn …   English contemporary dictionary

  • squiggle — squiggly, adj. /skwig euhl/, n., v., squiggled, squiggling. n. 1. a short, irregular curve or twist, as in writing or drawing. v.i. 2. to move in or appear as squiggles: His handwriting squiggled across the page. v.t. 3. to form in or cause to… …   Universalium

  • squiggle — I. verb (squiggled; squiggling) Etymology: blend of squirm and wriggle Date: circa 1816 intransitive verb 1. squirm, wriggle < squiggling in her seat > 2. to write or paint hastily ; …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Gamelan — A gamelan is a musical ensemble of Indonesia typically featuring a variety of instruments such as metallophones, xylophones, drums, and gongs; bamboo flutes, bowed and plucked strings, and vocalists may also be included. The term refers more to… …   Wikipedia

  • Stapler — A stapler is a mechanical device that joins together sheets of paper or other similar materials by driving a thin metal staple through the sheets and folding over the ends to secure the paper. Staplers are widely used in government and business… …   Wikipedia

  • Mr. Squiggle — from the 1990s Also known as Mr. Squiggle Friends Genre Children s television series, Science fiction …   Wikipedia

  • squiggle — (v.) 1804, probably a blend of squirm and wriggle. The noun is first recorded 1902, from the verb. The noun is first recorded 1902. Related: Squiggled; squiggling …   Etymology dictionary

  • squiggle — /ˈskwɪgəl/ (say skwiguhl) noun 1. a short twist or curve, as in drawing or writing. –verb (squiggled, squiggling) –verb (i) 2. to twist or curve; appear as squiggles. –verb (t) 3. to form by squiggles; scribble. {blend of squirm and wriggle}… …  

  • squiggle — [skwig′əl] n. [ SQU(IRM) + (W)IGGLE] 1. a short curved or wavy line; curlicue 2. an illegible or meaningless scribble or scrawl vt. squiggled, squiggling 1. to form into squiggles 2. to write as …   English World dictionary

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