squared term
Смотреть что такое "squared term" в других словарях:
Noncentral chi-squared distribution — Noncentral chi squared Probability density function Cumulative distribution function parameters … Wikipedia
Mean squared error — In statistics, the mean squared error (MSE) of an estimator is one of many ways to quantify the difference between values implied by a kernel density estimator and the true values of the quantity being estimated. MSE is a risk function,… … Wikipedia
Mean squared prediction error — In statistics the mean squared prediction error of a smoothing procedure is the expected sum of squared deviations of the fitted values from the (unobservable) function g. If the smoothing procedure has operator matrix L, then The MSPE can be… … Wikipedia
Chi-squared — In statistics, the term chi squared has different uses: chi squared distribution, a continuous probability distribution; chi squared statistic, a statistic used in some statistical tests; chi squared test, name given to some tests using chi… … Wikipedia
Aitken's delta-squared process — In numerical analysis, Aitken s delta squared process is a series acceleration method, used for accelerating the rate of convergence of a sequence. It is named after Alexander Aitken, who introduced this method in 1926 [Alexander Aitken, On… … Wikipedia
Completing the square — In elementary algebra, completing the square is a technique for converting a quadratic polynomial of the form to the form In this context, constant means not depending on x. The expression inside the parenthesis is of the… … Wikipedia
D'Alembert operator — In special relativity, electromagnetism and wave theory, the d Alembert operator (represented by a box: ), also called the d Alembertian or the wave operator, is the Laplace operator of Minkowski space. The operator is named for French… … Wikipedia
Electronic mixer — A simple three channel passive additive mixer. More channels can be added by simply adding more input jacks and mix resistors … Wikipedia
Normal distribution — This article is about the univariate normal distribution. For normally distributed vectors, see Multivariate normal distribution. Probability density function The red line is the standard normal distribution Cumulative distribution function … Wikipedia
Cluster labeling — is closely related to the concept of text clustering. This process tries to select descriptive labels for the clusters obtained through a clustering algorithm such as Flat Clustering and Hierarchical Clustering. For example, a cluster of… … Wikipedia
Ordinary least squares — This article is about the statistical properties of unweighted linear regression analysis. For more general regression analysis, see regression analysis. For linear regression on a single variable, see simple linear regression. For the… … Wikipedia