sprung weight
Смотреть что такое "sprung weight" в других словарях:
sprung weight — all weight which is supported by the suspension, including portions of the weight of the suspension members. In the case of most vehicles, the sprung weight is commonly defined as the total weight less the weight of unsprung parts … Mechanics glossary
sprung weight — This refers to the weight of all the parts of the vehicle that are supported by the suspension system. Unsprung weight includes wheels and tires, brake assemblies, the rear axle assembly and other structural members not supported by the springs.… … Dictionary of automotive terms
sprung weight — noun : weight supported by springs … Useful english dictionary
Weight transfer — In automobiles, weight transfer (often confused with load transfer) refers to the redistribution of weight supported by each tire during acceleration (both longitudinal and lateral). This includes braking, or deceleration (which can be viewed as… … Wikipedia
Sprung mass — In a vehicle with a suspension, such as an automobile, motorcycle or a tank, sprung mass (or sprung weight) is the portion of the vehicle s total mass that is supported above the suspension, including in most applications approximately half of… … Wikipedia
weight — The force of gravity acting upon a body. It is measured in Newtons. See advance weight, axle weight balance weight balancing weight centrifugal weight clip on weight counterweight curb weight distributor weight … Dictionary of automotive terms
weight — the force on an object resulting from gravity. sprung weight unsprung weight … Mechanics glossary
sprung mass — considered to be a rigid body having equal mass, the same center of gravity, and the same moments of inertia about identical axes as the total sprung weight … Mechanics glossary
sprung mass — See sprung weight … Dictionary of automotive terms
Sprung floor — A sprung floor is a floor that absorbs shocks giving it a softer feel. Such floors are considered the best available for dance and indoor sports and physical education.They enhance performance and greatly reduce injuries. Modern sprung floors are … Wikipedia
Unsprung weight — In a ground vehicle with a suspension, the unsprung weight (or, more properly, the unsprung mass) is the mass of the suspension, wheels or tracks (as applicable), and other components directly connected to them, rather than supported by the… … Wikipedia