sprinkling can
Смотреть что такое "sprinkling can" в других словарях:
sprinkling can — noun : a can used for sprinkling usually in a flower bed see can illustration … Useful english dictionary
sprinkling can. — See watering pot. * * * … Universalium
sprinkling can. — See watering pot … Useful english dictionary
Sprinkling — can refer to:*Sprinkling, a method of baptism, particularly used for infant baptism.*Sprinkling, a type of character in the video game Viva Piñata.*Sprinkling is a method of creating a causal set from a Lorentzian manifold … Wikipedia
watering can — a container for water, typically of metal or plastic and having a spout with a perforated nozzle, for watering or sprinkling plants, flowers, etc. Also called watering pot, sprinkling can. [1685 95] * * * … Universalium
watering can — noun A utensil for watering plants, consisting of a container with a handle and long spout, the spout sometimes being fitted with a perforated nozzle. Syn: sprinkling can, watering pot … Wiktionary
watering can — Synonyms and related words: aerosol, aspergil, aspergillum, atomizer, clyster, concentrate sprayer, douche, enema, fountain syringe, mist concentrate sprayer, needle bath, nozzle, shower, shower bath, shower head, sparge, sparger, spray, spray… … Moby Thesaurus
watering-can — /ˈwɔtərɪŋ kæn/ (say wawtuhring kan) noun a vessel, especially with a spout having a perforated nozzle, for watering or sprinkling plants, etc …
spray — I n 1. sprinkle, sprinkling, shower; mist, drizzle, Dial. mizzle; fountain, jet, splash, plash, spatter, splatter, hail; spindrift, foam, froth, spume; effervescence, fizz. 2. sprinkler, sprinkling can, sprayer, rose, nozzle, atomizer, vaporizer … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse — Not to be confused with The Mickey Mouse Club. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Format Animated series Created by Bobs Gannaway … Wikipedia
rose — Ⅰ. rose1 (rōz) n. 1. A member of the rose family. 2. a) Any of numerous shrubs or vines of the genus Rosa, having prickly stems and pinnately compound leaves, widely cultivated for their showy, often fragrant flowers. b) The flower of any of… … Word Histories