- springtail
- зоол. ногохвостка, вилохвост (Collembola) (зоология) ногохвостка, вилохвост (Collembola)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Springtail — Spring tail ( t[=a]l ), n. (Zo[ o]l.) Any one of numerous species of small apterous insects belonging to the order {Thysanura}. They have two elastic caudal stylets which can be bent under the abdomen and then suddenly extended like a spring,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
springtail — [spriŋ′tāl΄] any of an order (Collembola) of small, primitive, wingless insects, able to leap great distances by the sudden release of a forklike, abdominal appendage … English World dictionary
Springtail — Springtails Temporal range: Early Devonian–Recent … Wikipedia
springtail — /spring tayl /, n. any of numerous minute, wingless primitive insects of the order Collembola, most possessing a special abdominal appendage for jumping that allows for the nearly perpetual springing pattern characteristic of the group. [1790… … Universalium
springtail — Pintail Pin tail , n. 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A northern duck ({Dafila acuta}), native of both continents. The adult male has a long, tapering tail. Called also {gray duck}, {piketail}, {piket tail}, {spike tail}, {split tail}, {springtail}, {sea pheasant} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
springtail — Pintail Pin tail , n. 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A northern duck ({Dafila acuta}), native of both continents. The adult male has a long, tapering tail. Called also {gray duck}, {piketail}, {piket tail}, {spike tail}, {split tail}, {springtail}, {sea pheasant} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Springtail EFV-4 — (Exoskeleton Flying Vehicle) летательный аппарат 4 го поколения персональной авиации, выпущенный фирмой Trek Aerospace в 2005 г. Содержание 1 Тактико технические характеристики 2 См. также … Википедия
springtail — noun Date: circa 1797 any of an order (Collembola) of small primitive wingless insects that exhibit incomplete metamorphosis and usually possess a furcula used for jumping called also collembolan … New Collegiate Dictionary
springtail — noun Any of various wingless insects, of the order Collembola, that have spring like legs … Wiktionary
springtail — noun a minute wingless insect which has a springlike organ under the abdomen that enables it to leap when disturbed. [Order Collembola.] … English new terms dictionary
springtail — spring•tail [[t]ˈsprɪŋˌteɪl[/t]] n. ent any of numerous minute, wingless primitive insects of the order Collembola, most possessing a special abdominal appendage for jumping • Etymology: 1790–1800 … From formal English to slang