spread ratio
Смотреть что такое "spread ratio" в других словарях:
spread ratio — Смотри коэффициент уширения … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
spread ratio — Смотри показатель уширения … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
Options spread — Spread option redirects here. For the American football offensive scheme, see Spread offense. Options spreads are the basic building blocks of many options trading strategies. A spread position is entered by buying and selling equal number of… … Wikipedia
Ratio spread — The ratio spread is a strategy in options trading that involves buying some number of options and selling a larger number of other options of the same underlying market and (usually) the same expiration date, but of a different strike price.… … Wikipedia
Spread (Wirtschaft) — Als Spread (von engl. spread für Spanne) bezeichnet man in der Wirtschaft allgemein die Differenz zwischen zwei einheitsgleichen zu vergleichenden Größen. Als Indikator findet der Spread insbesondere Anwendung im Wertpapierhandel und in der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ratio Spread — An options strategy in which an investor simultaneously holds an unequal number of long and short positions. A commonly used ratio is two short options for every option purchased. A ratio spread would be achieved by purchasing one call option… … Investment dictionary
ratio calendar combination — A strategy consisting of a simultaneous position of a ratio calendar spread using calls and a similar position using puts, where the striking price of the calls is greater that the striking price of the puts . Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
spread — See bearing spread overall gear ratio … Dictionary of automotive terms
spread spectrum communications — The process of modulating a signal over a significantly larger bandwidth than is necessary for the given data rate for the purpose of lowering the bit error rate (BER) in the presence of strong interference signals (i.e., low signal to noise… … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
Debit spread — In finance, a debit spread, AKA net debit spread, results when an investor simultaneously buys an option with a higher premium and sells an option with a lower premium. The investor is said to be a net buyer and expects the premiums of the two… … Wikipedia
Credit spread (options) — Finance Financial markets Bond market … Wikipedia