spotted dog
Смотреть что такое "spotted dog" в других словарях:
spotted dog — noun Etymology: probably alteration of spotted dick 1. Britain : a suet pudding containing raisins or currants 2. a. : a light colored dog with dark spots b. often capitalized S&D … Useful english dictionary
spotted dog — vaistinė plautė statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Agurklinių šeimos dekoratyvinis, vaistinis augalas (Pulmonaria officinalis), paplitęs pietų Europoje. atitikmenys: lot. Pulmonaria officinalis angl. common lungwort; lungwort; spotted dog vok … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
spotted dog — ➡ spotted dick * * * … Universalium
spotted dog — noun 1》 a Dalmatian dog. 2》 Brit. another term for spotted dick … English new terms dictionary
spotted dog — /spɒtəd ˈdɒg/ (say spotuhd dog) noun 1. Colloquial a Dalmatian (def. 1). 2. → spotted dick …
spotted dog — noun see spotted dick … New Collegiate Dictionary
spotted dog — Plum duff … A concise dictionary of English slang
Spotted dick — mit Custard Spotted dick ist ein in Großbritannien verbreiteter gedämpfter oder gebackener[1] Pudding aus Rindernierenfett und Trockenfrüchten (meistens … Deutsch Wikipedia
Spotted dick — sobre natillas. El spotted dick es un pudin de sebo al vapor que contiene fruta seca (normalmente pasas de Corinto) y suele servirse con natillas. Spotted (‘moteado’) se refiere a la fruta seca, y dick puede ser una contracción o corrupción de la … Wikipedia Español
spotted dick — noun Etymology: dialect dick pudding, probably from the name Dick Date: 1849 British a pudding made with suet and currants or raisins called also spotted dog … New Collegiate Dictionary
spotted dick — (also spotted dog) n [C, U] (BrE) a traditional British sweet dish. It consists of a pudding (= a dish made of flour and fat) in the shape of a roll, with fruit such as currants (= dried grapes) mixed into it. * * * … Universalium