Смотреть что такое "sporocyst" в других словарях:
Sporocyst — Spo ro*cyst ( s[i^]st), n. [Gr. ? seed + ? bladder.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) An asexual zooid, usually forming one of a series of larval forms in the agamic reproduction of various trematodes and other parasitic worms. The sporocyst generally develops from … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sporocyst — [spō′rəsist΄, spôr′əsist΄] n. [ SPORO + CYST] 1. Bot. a resting cell giving rise to asexual spores 2. Zool. a) a saclike larval stage of many trematodes which produces rediae by asexual development from germinal cells b) a protective cyst… … English World dictionary
sporocyst — 1. A larval form of digenetic trematode (fluke) that develops in the body of its molluscan intermediate host, usually a snail; the s. forms a simple saclike structure with germinal cells that bud off internally and … Medical dictionary
sporocyst — n. the second stage larva of a parasitic fluke, found within the tissues of a freshwater snail. A sporocyst develops from a first stage larva (see miracidium) and gives rise either to the next larval stage (see redia) or daughter sporocysts. The… … The new mediacal dictionary
sporocyst — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1861 1. a case or cyst secreted by some sporozoans preliminary to sporogony; also a sporozoan encysted in such a case 2. a saccular body that is the first asexual reproductive form of a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
sporocyst — n. [Gr. spora, seed; kystis, bladder] 1. A stage of sporozoan development, usually within a protective envelope; the oocyst. 2. (PLATYHELMINTHES: Trematoda) An asexual stage of development … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
sporocyst — sporocystic /spawr euh sis tik, spohr /, adj. /spawr euh sist , spohr /, n. Biol. 1. a walled body resulting from the multiple division of a sporozoan, which produces one or more sporozoites. 2. a stage in development of trematodes that gives… … Universalium
sporocyst — noun a) A cyst that develops from a sporoblast and from which sporozoites develop b) A larval stage in many trematode worms … Wiktionary
sporocyst — n. capsule containing spores (one of the stages in the development of certain parasitic worms); spore case (Botany) … English contemporary dictionary
sporocyst — noun Zoology 1》 a larva of a parasitic fluke in a sac like form after infection of the host s tissues. 2》 (in parasitic sporozoans) an encysted zygote in an invertebrate host … English new terms dictionary
sporocyst — spo·ro·cyst … English syllables