
ˈspu:nfed прил.
1) получающий пищу с ложки (о ребенке, больном и т. п.)
2) нуждающийся в постоянной опеке и помощи
3) находящийся на государственной дотации (об отрасли промышленности)
4) нуждающийся в подробном разъяснении учебного материала (о студентах)
5) амер.;
разг. избалованный получающий пищу с ложки (о больных и маленьких детях) находящийся на государственной дотации (о фирме, отрасли промышленности и т. п.) (сленг) требующий особого внимания (об учениках) ;
разжевать и в рот положить (американизм) избалованный;
чрезмерно опекаемый несамостоятельный, поющий с чужого голоса past и p.p. от spoon-feed

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "spoon-fed" в других словарях:

  • spoon-fed — /spoohn fed /, adj. 1. fed with a spoon. 2. treated with excessive solicitude; pampered. 3. given no opportunity to act or think for oneself: Having always been spoon fed, I couldn t meet the challenge of college. [1900 05] * * * spoonˈ fed or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • spoon-fed — /spoohn fed /, adj. 1. fed with a spoon. 2. treated with excessive solicitude; pampered. 3. given no opportunity to act or think for oneself: Having always been spoon fed, I couldn t meet the challenge of college. [1900 05] * * * …   Universalium

  • spoon-fed — given to eat with the use of a spoon; fed with a spoon; spoiled, not independent …   English contemporary dictionary

  • be spoon-fed — to be given too much help or information. When I was at school we weren t spoon fed, we had to work things out for ourselves …   New idioms dictionary

  • spoon-feed — spoon feeds, spoon feeding, spoon fed 1) VERB: usu passive (disapproval) If you think that someone is being given too much help with something and is not making enough effort themselves, you can say they are being spoon fed. [be V ed] Students… …   English dictionary

  • spoon-feed — [spo͞on′fēd′] vt. spoon fed, spoon feeding 1. to feed with a spoon 2. to pamper; coddle 3. to treat, instruct, or inform in a manner that destroys initiative or curbs independent thought and action …   English World dictionary

  • spoon-feed — past tense and past participle spoon fed v [T] 1.) to give too much information and help to someone used to show disapproval ▪ I don t believe in spoon feeding students. 2.) to feed someone, especially a baby, with a spoon …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • spoon-feed — UK / US verb [transitive] Word forms spoon feed : present tense I/you/we/they spoon feed he/she/it spoon feeds present participle spoon feeding past tense spoon fed past participle spoon fed 1) to feed someone using a spoon 2) a) to do so much… …   English dictionary

  • spoon-feed — {v.} 1. To feed with a spoon. * /Mothers spoon feed their babies./ 2a. To make something too easy for (a person). * /Bill s mother spoon fed him and never let him think for himself./ * /Alice depended on her mother for all decisions because she… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • spoon-feed — {v.} 1. To feed with a spoon. * /Mothers spoon feed their babies./ 2a. To make something too easy for (a person). * /Bill s mother spoon fed him and never let him think for himself./ * /Alice depended on her mother for all decisions because she… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • spoon-feed — v 1. To feed with a spoon. Mothers spoon feed their babies. 2a. To make something too easy for (a person). Bill s mother spoon fed him and never let him think for himself. Alice depended on her mother for all decisions because she had been spoon… …   Словарь американских идиом

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