spongy top
Смотреть что такое "spongy top" в других словарях:
hand tool — any tool or implement designed for manual operation. * * * Introduction any of the implements used by craftsmen in manual operations, such as chopping, chiseling, sawing, filing, or forging. Complementary tools, often needed as auxiliaries to… … Universalium
reproductive system, animal — Introduction any of the organ systems by which animals reproduce. The role of reproduction is to provide for the continued existence of a species; it is the process by which living organisms duplicate themselves. Animals compete with… … Universalium
angiosperm — /an jee euh sperrm /, n. Bot. a plant having its seeds enclosed in an ovary; a flowering plant. Cf. gymnosperm. [ANGIO + SPERM] * * * ▪ plant Introduction any member of the more than 300,000 species of flowering plants (division Anthophyta) … Universalium
bog — bog1 boggish, adj. /bog, bawg/, n., v., bogged, bogging. n. 1. wet, spongy ground with soil composed mainly of decayed vegetable matter. 2. an area or stretch of such ground. v.t., v.i. 3. to sink in or as if in a bog (often fol. by down): We… … Universalium
Leaf — For other uses, see Leaf (disambiguation). The leaves of a Beech tree … Wikipedia
Clathrus ruber — Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Division … Wikipedia
baking — Process of cooking by dry heat, especially in an oven. Baked products include bread, cookies, pies, and pastries. Ingredients used in baking include flour, water, leavening agents (baker s yeast, baking soda, baking powder), shortening (fats,… … Universalium
pregnancy — /preg neuhn see/, n., pl. pregnancies. the state, condition, or quality of being pregnant. [1520 30; PREGN(ANT) + ANCY] * * * Process of human gestation that takes place in the female s body as a fetus develops, from fertilization to birth (see… … Universalium
lung — lunged /lungd/, adj. /lung/, n. 1. either of the two saclike respiratory organs in the thorax of humans and the higher vertebrates. 2. an analogous organ in certain invertebrates, as arachnids or terrestrial gastropods. 3. at the top of one s… … Universalium
tree — treelike, adj. /tree/, n., v., treed, treeing. n. 1. a plant having a permanently woody main stem or trunk, ordinarily growing to a considerable height, and usually developing branches at some distance from the ground. 2. any of various shrubs,… … Universalium
Tree — /tree/, n. Sir Herbert Beerbohm /bear bohm/, (Herbert Beerbohm), 1853 1917, English actor and theater manager; brother of Max Beerbohm. * * * I Woody perennial plant. Most trees have a single self supporting trunk containing woody tissues, and in … Universalium