Смотреть что такое "spoils" в других словарях:
Spoils — may refer to:*The Spoils of War, rewards gained through military victory. *The Spoils system of distributing government jobs in US politics. *The Spoils, a collectible card game produced by Tenacious Games. * The Spoils , an episode of the TV… … Wikipedia
spoils — I noun booty, gains, grab, graft, haul, ill gotten gains, loot, pelf, pickings, pillage, plunder, plunderage, prize, ravin, spolia, stolen goods, swag, take, takings, winnings II index plunder, stake (award) … Law dictionary
spoils — [ spɔılz ] noun plural LITERARY the benefits that someone gets when they win something, for example a war a. the prize that someone gets when they win a competition … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
spoils — [n] possessions stolen or gained booty*, cut*, gain, goods, graft, hot goods*, loot, make*, pickings, pillage, plunder, prey, prize, squeeze, swag, take; concepts 337,710 … New thesaurus
spoils — noun VERB + SPOILS ▪ divide, share ▪ The soldiers began to divide the spoils. ▪ claim, take ▪ enjoy ▪ … Collocations dictionary
spoils — noun a) That which is taken from another by violence; especially, the plunder taken from an enemy; pillage; booty. Gentle gales, Fanning their odoriferous wings, dispense Native perfumes, and whisper whence they stole Those balmy spoils.… … Wiktionary
spoils — n. to divide the spoils (of war) * * * [spɔɪlz] to divide the spoils (of war) … Combinatory dictionary
spoils — noun (plural) formal or literary a) things taken by an army from a defeated enemy, or things taken by thieves: the spoils of war | dividing up the spoils b) profits gained through political power … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
spoils — plural noun 1) the spoils of war Syn: booty, loot, stolen goods, plunder, ill gotten gains, haul, pickings; informal swag, boodle 2) the spoils of office Syn: benefits, advantages, perks … Thesaurus of popular words
Spoils-System — [ spɔɪlzsɪstɪm; englisch »Beutesystem«], Bezeichnung für das in den USA seit dem 19. Jahrhundert bestehende, besonders von Präs. A. Jackson weiterentwickelte Gewohnheitsrecht, einträgliche Parteiämter oder staatliche Verwaltungspositionen mit… … Universal-Lexikon
Spoils-System — Spoils Sys|tem, auch Spoils|sys|tem [ spɔilzsistəm] das; <aus gleichbed. engl. spoils system, eigtl. »Beutesystem«, zu engl. spoil »Beute, Raub«, dies über altfr. espoille aus lat. spolia, vgl. ↑Spolien> (in den Vereinigten Staaten übliche) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch