Смотреть что такое "spodumene" в других словарях:
Spodumène — Catégorie IX : silicates[1] Spodumène variété Kunzite Afghanistan 13,5x11,8 cm … Wikipédia en Français
Spodumene — Spodumène Spodumène Catégorie IX : silicates Spodumènes sous divers aspects … Wikipédia en Français
Spodumene — Spod u*mene (sp[o^]d [ u]*m[=e]n; 135), n. [Gr. ?, p. pr. pass. from ? to burn to ashes, from spodo s ashes; cf. F. spodum[ e]ne.] (Min.) A mineral of a white to yellowish, purplish, or emerald green color, occurring in prismatic crystals, often… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
spodumène — ● spodumène nom masculin (grec spodos, cendre) Silicate naturel d aluminium et de lithium, de formule LiAlSi2O6, appartenant au groupe des pyroxènes, utilisé en bijouterie … Encyclopédie Universelle
spodumene — [späj′o͞o mēn΄] n. [< Gr spodumenos, prp. of spodousthai, to be burned to ashes < spodos, ashes: from being reduced to an ashlike form before the blowpipe] a variously colored, monoclinic mineral, LiAl(Si2O6), that is an ore of lithium and… … English World dictionary
Spodumene — Kunzite redirects here. For the Sailor Moon character, see Shitennou. Infobox mineral name = Spodumene category = boxwidth = boxbgcolor = caption = An almost colorless kunzite crystal (upper left), a cut pale pink kunzite (upper right) and a… … Wikipedia
spodumene — /spoj oo meen /, n. a mineral, lithium aluminum silicate, LiAlSi2O6, occurring in prismatic crystals, transparent varieties being used as gems. [1795 1805; < F spodumène < G Spodumen < Gk spodoúmenos, prp. of spodoûsthai to be burned to ashes… … Universalium
spodumene — noun Etymology: probably from French spodumène, from German Spodumen, from Greek spodoumenos, present participle of spodousthai to be burnt to ashes, from spodos ashes Date: 1893 a white to yellowish, purplish, or emerald green monoclinic mineral … New Collegiate Dictionary
spodumene — [ spɒdjʊmi:n] noun a translucent, typically greyish white aluminosilicate mineral which is an important source of lithium. Origin C19: from Fr. spodumène, from Gk spodoumenos, spodousthai burn to ashes … English new terms dictionary
spodumene — spod•u•mene [[t]ˈspɒdʒ ʊˌmin[/t]] n. mir jew a mineral, lithium aluminum silicate, LiAlSi2O6, occurring in prismatic crystals or masses: transparent colored varieties are used as gems • Etymology: 1795–1805; < F spodumène … From formal English to slang
spodumene — spodumenas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Piroksenų grupės mineralas. formulė LiAl[Si₂O₆] atitikmenys: angl. spodumene; triphane rus. сподумен; трифан … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas