splitting off

splitting off

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "splitting off" в других словарях:

  • Splitting maul — Woodsplitting maul Other names Wood maul Wood mall Block Buster (Typically used throughout Australia and New Zealand) Classification Hand tool Related Sledge hammer …   Wikipedia

  • splitting — adjective Date: 1593 that splits or causes to split: as a. causing a piercing sensation < a splitting headache > b. very fast or quick < racing off at a splitting pace Charles Dickens > c. sidesplitting < a splitting laugh > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • splitting — 1) separating species on minor differences. The converse is lumping; 2) often carried out before salting or drying, a gutted fish is cut partly through exposing some or all of the backbone, with the head on or off. There are various commercial… …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • splitting — /split ing/, adj. 1. being split or causing something to split. 2. violent or severe, as a headache. 3. very fast or rapid. n. 4. Usually, splittings. a part or fragment that has been split off from something: Some cavemen made their smaller… …   Universalium

  • split-off — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun ( s) Etymology: split off : an act of splitting off or something that is split off from something else a succession of left wing split offs specifically : a transfer of a distinctive business constituting one of two or more… …   Useful english dictionary

  • split off — PHRASAL VERB If people split off from a group, they stop being part of the group and become separated from it. [V P from n] Somehow, Quentin split off from his comrades. [V P n] ...the Youth Wing which split off the National Liberal party earlier …   English dictionary

  • Fee splitting — is the practice of sharing fees with professional colleagues, such as physicians or lawyers, in return for being sent referrals [http://www.answers.com/topic/fee splitting] . Fee splitting in medician and healthcareThis is essentially the payment …   Wikipedia

  • split off — transitive verb : to separate or remove by or as if by splitting split some kindling off from a log where only part of the assets of the corporation are split off into a new corporation U.S. Code split the carbon dioxide off …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pole splitting — is a type of frequency compensation used in an electronic amplifier in which a capacitor is introduced between the input and output sides of the amplifier with the intention of moving the pole lowest in frequency (usually an input pole) to lower… …   Wikipedia

  • Lane splitting — is a form of lane sharing in which the rider of a relatively narrow single track vehicle (i.e. a motorcycle or bicycle) travels in the unused space between two lines of moving or stationary vehicles. It may be legal or illegal, depending on local …   Wikipedia

  • Shooting an apple off one's child's head — William Tell s apple shot as depicted in Sebastian Münster s Cosmographia (1554 edition). Shooting an apple off one s child s head, also known as apple shot (from German Apfelschuss) is a feat of marksmanship with a bow or crossbow that occurs as …   Wikipedia

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