splitting image

splitting image
'вылитый портрет', точный копия Syn : spitting image, the very spit of, spit and image, spit image

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "splitting image" в других словарях:

  • Splitting Image — is a 2 issues comic book limited series created in 1993 by Don Simpson and published by Image Comics …   Wikipedia

  • splitting of the body image —    A term used to denote a rare type of somaesthetic aura that is characterized by the sensation of one s own body being split in two. The affected individual typically perceives his or her body (or head) as being split down the middle, into two… …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

  • Splitting of prime ideals in Galois extensions — In mathematics, the interplay between the Galois group G of a Galois extension L of a number field K, and the way the prime ideals P of the ring of integers OK factorise as products of prime ideals of OL, provides one of the richest parts of… …   Wikipedia

  • Splitting lemma — In mathematics, and more specifically in homological algebra, the splitting lemma states that in any abelian category, the following statements for short exact sequence are equivalent. Given a short exact sequence with maps q and r: :0 ightarrow… …   Wikipedia

  • Image schema — An image schema is a recurring structure of, or within, our cognitive processes, which establishes patterns of understanding and reasoning. Image schemas emerge from our bodily interactions, linguistic experience and historical context. The term… …   Wikipedia

  • Heegaard splitting — In the mathematical field of geometric topology, a Heegaard splitting is a decomposition of a compact oriented 3 manifold that results from dividing it into two handlebodies. The importance of Heegaard splittings has grown in recent years as more …   Wikipedia

  • BSAVE (graphics image format) — A BSAVE Image (aka BSAVED Image ) as it is referenced in a graphics program is an image file format created usually by saving raw video memory to disk (sometimes but not always in a BASIC program using the BSAVE command).cite web|url = http://www …   Wikipedia

  • illusory splitting —    Also known as illusory vertical splitting. Both terms are used to denote a visual distortion consisting of a vertical splitting of objects, often accompanied by a vertical displacement of the two parts along the fracture line. Illusory… …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

  • Segmentation (image processing) — In computer vision, segmentation refers to the process of partitioning a digital image into multiple regions (sets of pixels). The goal of segmentation is to simplify and/or change the representation of an image into something that is more… …   Wikipedia

  • Spitting Image — Infobox television show name = Spitting Image caption = Spitting Image album cover for Da Do Run Ron satirical parody of Ronald Reagan format = Puppet show voices= Chris Barrie Harry Enfield Jon Glover Louise Gold Steve Nallon Kate Robbins John… …   Wikipedia

  • visuo-vestibular splitting of the somatosensory body image —    see out of body experience (OBE or OBEE) …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

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