

1. сущ.;
компьют. расщепление экрана
2. прил. показывающийся одновременнодвух разных частях фильма) split-screen вчт. полиэкранный

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "split-screen" в других словарях:

  • Split-Screen — einer Videoüberwachungsanlage Split Screen oder Bildschirmaufteilung (wörtlich geteilter Bildschirm) ist eine in visuellen Medien verwendete Technik, die das Bild in zwei (oder mehr) Bereiche aufteilt, um zwei Handlungen oder Bilder gleichzeitig… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Split Screen — einer Videoüberwachungsanlage Split Screen oder Bildschirmaufteilung (wörtlich geteilter Bildschirm) ist eine in visuellen Medien verwendete Technik, die das Bild in zwei (oder mehr) Bereiche aufteilt, um zwei (oder mehr) Handlungen oder Bilder… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Split screen — Различные методы отображения множества сигналов на одном экране (16:9): 1+3, 3+1 (4:3), 2×2, 3×3, 4×4 (16:9), 1+1 (вертикальный 8:9, горизонтальный 16:4½), 4×3 (4:3), 1 в 12 (16:9). Split screen (разделённый экран)  техника отображения в… …   Википедия

  • split-screen — splitˈ screen adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑split * * * split screen UK US adjective showing two or more pictures or sets of information on one cinema, television, or computer screen Thesaurus: words used to describe filmshyponym on the computer… …   Useful english dictionary

  • split-screen — split screens 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n Split screen is used to describe the technique in making films and television programmes in which two different pieces of film are shown at the same time. ...split screen movies. 2) N COUNT: oft N n On a computer… …   English dictionary

  • split´-screen´ — split screen, 1. the showing of two or more images simultaneously on separate sections of a motion picture or television screen. 2. the ages shown this way: »Among them was a split screen live action on one half, tape rerun on the other of two… …   Useful english dictionary

  • split screen — n a method of showing different scenes or pieces of information at the same time on a film, television, or computer screen ▪ a split screen movie …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • split screen — n. Film, Photog., TVFilm Photog. TV the technique of showing two or more images simultaneously and separately on the screen split screen adj …   English World dictionary

  • split screen — split′ screen′ n. 1) cmp a mode of operation on a computer that uses windows to enable simultaneous viewing of two or more displays on the same screen 2) a motion picture or television screen on which two or more images are projected at the same… …   From formal English to slang

  • split-screen — split ,screen adjective showing two or more pictures or sets of information on one screen …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • split screen — ► NOUN ▪ a cinema, television, or computer screen on which two or more separate images are displayed …   English terms dictionary

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