split up

split up

1) разделять(ся) , раскалывать(ся) Can you split up this piece of wood? ≈ Ты можешь расколоть эту деревяшку? I'll split up the apples so that we can each have one. ≈ Я поделю яблоки так, чтобы досталось каждому.
2) прекращать отношения Jim and Mary have been quarrelling so much recently that their friends are afraid they might split up. ≈ Джим и Мери так часто ссорятся, что их друзья опасаются, как бы они не прекратили отношения. Syn : break up
6) , bust up
3) разбивать

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "split up" в других словарях:

  • Split — Split …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • split — 1 vb split, split·ting: to divide into parts or portions: as a: to divide into factions, parties, or groups b: to mark (a ballot) or cast or register (a vote) so as to vote for candidates of different parties c: to divide (stock) by issuing a… …   Law dictionary

  • SPLIT — (also Spliet; It. Spalato; in Jewish sources אישפלטרא), Adriatic port in Croatia. A Jewish community with a cemetery existed in nearby Salona (now Solin) in the third century C.E. When Salona was destroyed by the Avars in 641, the Jews seem to… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • split — (v.) 1580s, from M.Du. splitten, from P.Gmc. *spl(e)it (Cf. Dan., Fris. splitte, O.Fris. splita, Ger. spleißen to split ), from PIE * (s)plei to split, splice (see FLINT (Cf. flint)). Meaning leave, depart first recorded 1954, U.S. slang. Of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Split — (spl[i^]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Split} ({Splitted}, R.); p. pr. & vb. n. {Splitting}.] [Probably of Scand. or Low German origin; cf. Dan. splitte, LG. splitten, OD. splitten, spletten, D. splijten, G. spleissen, MHG. spl[=i]zen. Cf. {Splice},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Split — (spl[i^]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Split} ({Splitted}, R.); p. pr. & vb. n. {Splitting}.] [Probably of Scand. or Low German origin; cf. Dan. splitte, LG. splitten, OD. splitten, spletten, D. splijten, G. spleissen, MHG. spl[=i]zen. Cf. {Splice},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Split — Split, n. 1. A crack, rent, or longitudinal fissure. [1913 Webster] 2. A breach or separation, as in a political party; a division. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] 3. A piece that is split off, or made thin, by splitting; a splinter; a fragment. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Split — Split, a. 1. Divided; cleft. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) Divided deeply; cleft. [1913 Webster] 3. (Exchanges) (a) Divided so as to be done or executed part at one time or price and part at another time or price; said of an order, sale, etc. (b) Of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Split — /split/, n. a seaport in S Croatia, on the Adriatic: Roman ruins. 180,571. Italian, Spalato. * * * ancient Spalatum Seaport (pop., 2001: 188,694), Dalmatia, Croatia. The Romans established the colony of Salonae nearby in 78 BC, and the emperor… …   Universalium

  • split — ► VERB (splitting; past and past part. split) 1) break forcibly into parts. 2) divide into parts or groups. 3) (often split up) end a marriage or other relationship. 4) (be splitting) informal (of one s head) suffering great pain from a he …   English terms dictionary

  • split — [split] vt. split, splitting [MDu splitten, akin to MHG splīzen < IE base * (s)plei , to split, crack > FLINT] 1. to separate, cut, or divide into two or more parts; cause to separate along the grain or length; break into layers 2. to break …   English World dictionary

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