- split flap
- разрезной закрылок, физ. щиток простой
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Split-flap display — Flap display as departure board in Hannover railway station, Germany … Wikipedia
split flap — noun : a hinged flap attached to the upper surface of a wing of an airplane usually at the trailing edge to be raised for lateral control or to the lower surface of a wing to be deflected downward for giving increased lift and drag * * * Aeron. 1 … Useful english dictionary
split flap — Aeron. 1. a flap that is located on the under surface of the trailing edge of an aircraft wing and that splits away from the wing structure when rotated downward, producing an increase in lift or drag or both. Cf. landing flap. 2. a flap that is… … Universalium
Flap (aircraft) — Flaps are hinged surfaces on the trailing edge of the wings of a fixed wing aircraft. As flaps are extended, the stalling speed of the aircraft is reduced. Flaps are also used on the leading edge of the wings of some high speed jet aircraft,… … Wikipedia
flap — 1. Tissue for transplantation, vascularized by a pedicle; f.. SEE ALSO: local f., distant f.. 2. An uncontrolled movement, as of the hands. See asterixis. [M.E. flappe] Abbe f. middle portion of the lower lip transferred into the upper lip and … Medical dictionary
flap — n. 1) (in surgery) a strip of tissue dissected away from the underlying structures but left attached at one end so that it retains its blood and nerve supply in a pedicle. The flap is then used to repair a defect in another part of the body. The… … The new mediacal dictionary
landing flap — noun a flap on the underside of the wing that is lowered to slow the plane for landing • Hypernyms: ↑flap, ↑flaps * * * noun : a flap that is mounted on the undersurface near the trailing edge of an airplane wing and that when lowered increases… … Useful english dictionary
landing flap — a flap in the undersurface of the trailing edge of an aircraft wing, capable of being moved downward to increase either lift or drag or both, as for landing. Cf. split flap (def. 1). [1935 40] * * * … Universalium
zap flap — ˈzap noun Etymology: probably after Edward F. Zap, 20th century American aeronautical engineer : a split flap in which the hinge axis moves aft as the flap is deflected, thus increasing the area of the wing as well as its camber … Useful english dictionary
Blown flap — Blown flaps are a powered aerodynamic high lift device invented by the British on the wings of certain aircraft to improve low speed lift during takeoff and landing. The process is sometimes called a boundary layer control system (BLCS). They… … Wikipedia
Pharyngeal flap surgery — is a procedure to correct the airflow during speech. The procedure is common amongpeople with cleft palate and some types of dysarthria.Pharyngeal flap proceduresPosterior pharyngeal flap surgery is the most commonly used operation to restore… … Wikipedia