- splinter group
- ˈsplɪntəɡru:p отколовшаяся (политическая) группировка
отколовшаяся группа;
группа, вышедшая из организации, партии и т. п.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
splinter group — splinter groups N COUNT A splinter group is a group of people who break away from a larger group and form a separate organization, usually because they no longer agree with the views of the larger group … English dictionary
splinter group — n a group of people that have separated from a political or religious organization because they have different ideas … Dictionary of contemporary English
splinter group — ► NOUN ▪ a small organization that has broken away from a larger one … English terms dictionary
splinter group — noun a faction or sect that has broken away from its parent organization • Hypernyms: ↑faction, ↑sect * * * noun, pl ⋯ groups [count] : a group of people that has separated from a larger group (such as a political party) * * * ˈsplinter group… … Useful english dictionary
splinter group — also splinter or.ga.niz.a.tion noun (C) a group of people that has separated from a political or religious organization because they have different ideas etc: Green Realignment, a splinter group of the British Green Party … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
splinter group — A new lumberjack s union was started by a splinter group … English expressions
splinter group — Synonyms and related words: breakaway group, camp, caucus, division, ethnic group, faction, interest, interest group, minority group, offshoot, party, political party, pressure group, sect, side, silent majority, splinter, vocal minority, wing … Moby Thesaurus
splinter group — noun A group of members of a political party or of a similar organisation who have decided to create their own organisation. Splinter groups in the centre Left or centre Right are often a shot in the arm for the Far Right or the Communist Party.… … Wiktionary
splinter group — /ˈsplɪntə grup/ (say splintuh groohp) noun a group of members of an organisation, party, or the like, who set up independently, as after disagreement with the parent body on some matter of principle: *Among the local officers there was total… …
splinter group — (also splinter party) noun a small organization that has broken away from a larger one … English new terms dictionary
splinter group — n. clique within a larger group; faction broken away from its parent group or organization … English contemporary dictionary