splice a cable
Смотреть что такое "splice a cable" в других словарях:
Splice — may refer to:* Connection of two or more pieces of linear material: ** Rope splicing, joining two pieces of rope or cable by weaving the strands of each into the other ** Eye splice, the best method of creating a permanent loop in the end of… … Wikipedia
Cable management — refers to an important step during the installation of building services (ie electrical services) and the subsequent installation of equipment providing means to tidily secure electrical, data, and other cables. The term is often used… … Wikipedia
splice — v. (D; tr.) to splice to (to splice a wire to a cable) * * * [splaɪs] (D; tr.) to splice to (to splice a wire to a cable) … Combinatory dictionary
splice — 1. noun /splaɪs/ a) A junction or joining of ropes made by splicing them together. b) The electrical and mechanical connection between two pieces of wire or cable. 2. verb /splaɪs/ a) To unite, as two ropes, or parts of a rope, by a particular… … Wiktionary
Transatlantic telegraph cable — The first transatlantic telegraph cable crossed the Atlantic Ocean from Foilhommerum, Valentia Island, in western Ireland to Heart s Content, in eastern Newfoundland. The transatlantic cable bridged North America and Europe, and expedited… … Wikipedia
Mineral-insulated copper-clad cable — MIMS redirects here. For multi isotope imaging mass spectrometry, see Isotope mass spectrometry. PVC sheathed MICC cable. Conductor cross section area is 1.5 mm²; overall diameter is 7.2 mm … Wikipedia
Coaxial cable — RG 59 flexible coaxial cable composed of: A: outer plastic sheath B: woven copper shield C: inner dielectric insulator D: copper core Coaxial cable, or coax, has an inner conductor surrounded by a flexible, tubular insulating layer, surrounded by … Wikipedia
Optical fiber cable — A TOSLINK optical fiber cable with a clear jacket. These plastic fiber cables are used mainly for digital audio connections between devices. An optical fiber cable is a cable containing one or more optical fibers. The optical fiber elements are… … Wikipedia
Mechanical splice — A mechanical splice is a junction of two or more optical fibers that are aligned and held in place by a self contained assembly (usually the size of a large carpenter s nail). The fibers aren t permanently joined, just precisely held together so… … Wikipedia
APNG-2 (cable system) — The APNG 2 submarine communications cable is being constructed to link Papua New Guinea directly to Australia and indirectly to New Zealand and the rest of the world, and will be in service from late 2006.The new cable is a collaboration between… … Wikipedia
List of ships of the United States Army — Cable laying ships* USASPB Col. William A. Glassford (built for the U.S. Army Signal Corps during World War II)Hospital ships* USAHS Acadia * USAHS Aleda E. Lutz * USAHS Algonquin * USAHS Blanche F. Sigman * USAHS Charles A. Stafford * USAHS… … Wikipedia