Смотреть что такое "spiral-helix" в других словарях:
Spiral Dynamics — is a theory of human development introduced in the 1996 book Spiral Dynamics by Don Beck and Chris Cowan. The book was based on the theory of psychology professor Clare W. Graves, and originally targeted at a business management audience. The… … Wikipedia
helix — [hē′liks] n. pl. helixes or helices [hel′i sēz΄] [L, kind of ivy, spiral < Gr, a spiral < helissein, to turn around < IE base * wel , to turn, twist > WALK] 1. any spiral, as one lying in a single plane or, esp., one moving around a… … English World dictionary
helix — a spiral thing, 1560s, from L. helix spiral, from Gk. helix (gen. helikos), related to eilein to turn, twist, roll, from PIE *wel ik , from root *wel to turn, revolve (see VULVA (Cf. vulva)) … Etymology dictionary
Spiral Dynamics — (engl.) ist ein kultursoziologisches Modell von Don Beck und Chris Cowan. Ihr Entwicklungsmodell, vorgestellt im gleichnamigen Buch von 1996 (dt. 2007), basiert auf den Arbeiten des US amerikanischen Psychologen Clare W. Graves. Das Buch richtet… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Spiral — Spi ral, a. [Cf. F. spiral. See {Spire} a winding line.] 1. Winding or circling round a center or pole and gradually receding from it; as, the spiral curve of a watch spring. [1913 Webster] 2. Winding round a cylinder or imaginary axis, and at… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Spiral gear — Spiral Spi ral, a. [Cf. F. spiral. See {Spire} a winding line.] 1. Winding or circling round a center or pole and gradually receding from it; as, the spiral curve of a watch spring. [1913 Webster] 2. Winding round a cylinder or imaginary axis,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Spiral gearing — Spiral Spi ral, a. [Cf. F. spiral. See {Spire} a winding line.] 1. Winding or circling round a center or pole and gradually receding from it; as, the spiral curve of a watch spring. [1913 Webster] 2. Winding round a cylinder or imaginary axis,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Spiral operculum — Spiral Spi ral, a. [Cf. F. spiral. See {Spire} a winding line.] 1. Winding or circling round a center or pole and gradually receding from it; as, the spiral curve of a watch spring. [1913 Webster] 2. Winding round a cylinder or imaginary axis,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Spiral shell — Spiral Spi ral, a. [Cf. F. spiral. See {Spire} a winding line.] 1. Winding or circling round a center or pole and gradually receding from it; as, the spiral curve of a watch spring. [1913 Webster] 2. Winding round a cylinder or imaginary axis,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Spiral spring — Spiral Spi ral, a. [Cf. F. spiral. See {Spire} a winding line.] 1. Winding or circling round a center or pole and gradually receding from it; as, the spiral curve of a watch spring. [1913 Webster] 2. Winding round a cylinder or imaginary axis,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Spiral wheel — Spiral Spi ral, a. [Cf. F. spiral. See {Spire} a winding line.] 1. Winding or circling round a center or pole and gradually receding from it; as, the spiral curve of a watch spring. [1913 Webster] 2. Winding round a cylinder or imaginary axis,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English