Смотреть что такое "spinney" в других словарях:
Spinney — Spin ney, n.; pl. {Spinneys}. Same as {Spinny}. T. Hughes. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
spinney — 1590s, from O.Fr. espinei (Mod.Fr. épinaie) “place full of thorns and brambles,” from espine (see SPINE (Cf. spine)) … Etymology dictionary
spinney — a BrE word for a small wood or copse, has the plural form spinneys … Modern English usage
spinney — ► NOUN (pl. spinneys) Brit. ▪ a small area of trees and bushes. ORIGIN Old French espinei, from Latin spinetum thicket … English terms dictionary
spinney — [spin′ē] n. pl. spinneys [ME spenne, thorn hedge < OFr espinei < VL * spinēta, for L spinetum < spina, thorn, SPINE] Brit. a small wood; copse … English World dictionary
Spinney — Caroll Edwin Spinney (* 26. Dezember 1933 in Waltham, Massachusetts, USA), auch bekannt als Carroll Spinney oder Ed Spinney, ist ein US amerikanischer Puppenspieler. Er spielt seit 1969 die Figuren Oscar und Bibo in der US amerikanischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Spinney — This most interesting and unusual surname is of early medieval English and Old French origin, from the Middle English word spinney , a small wood or copse, deriving from the Old French espinel , ultimately from the Latin spina , a thorn bush.… … Surnames reference
spinney — UK [ˈspɪnɪ] / US noun [countable] Word forms spinney : singular spinney plural spinneys British a small area of land covered with trees and bushes … English dictionary
spinney — Spinny Spin ny, n.; pl. {Spinnies}. [OF. espinaye,espinoye, espinei, espanoi, F. [ e]pinaie, from L. spinetum a thicket of thorns, fr. spina a thorn. See {Spine}.] A small thicket or grove with undergrowth; a clump of trees. [Written also… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
spinney — [[t]spɪ̱ni[/t]] spinneys N COUNT A spinney is a small area covered with trees. [BRIT] Syn: copse (in AM, use copse) … English dictionary
Spinney Hills, East Quogue — Spinney Hills is in East Quogue, New York. It is used as an off roading site for dirt bikers, quadders, paintballers, and four wheelers. Spinney hills gets its name because it is on Spinney Road in East Quogue. Its hills are created by the rock… … Wikipedia