spindle-type rotary head

spindle-type rotary head
вращатель шпиндельного бурового станка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "spindle-type rotary head" в других словарях:

  • Indexing head — and tailstock set up on a milling machine s table. An indexing head, also known as a dividing head or spiral head,[1] is a specialized tool that allows a workpiece to be circularly indexed; that is, easily and precisely rotated to preset angles… …   Wikipedia

  • вращатель шпиндельного бурового станка — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN spindle type rotary head …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Crusher — For other uses, see Crusher (disambiguation). A crusher is a machine designed to reduce large rocks into smaller rocks, gravel, or rock dust. Crushers may be used to reduce the size, or change the form, of waste materials so they can be more… …   Wikipedia

  • Milling machine — For the machine used in road construction, see Asphalt milling machine. Not to be confused with mill (grinding). Example of a bridge type CNC vertical milling center …   Wikipedia

  • Drill — For other uses, see Drill (disambiguation). Drill scheme A drill or drill motor is a tool fitted with a cutting tool attachment or driving tool attachment, usually a drill bit or driver bit, used for drilling holes in various materials or… …   Wikipedia

  • Chuck (engineering) — Self centering three jaw chuck and key with one jaw removed and inverted showing the teeth that engage in the scroll plate. The scroll plate is rotated within the chuck body by the key, the scroll engages the teeth on the underside of the jaws… …   Wikipedia

  • Lathe (metal) — Center lathe with DRO and chuck guard. Size is 460 mm swing x 1000 mm between centers A metal lathe or metalworking lathe is a large class of lathes designed for precisely machining relatively hard materials. They were originally designed to… …   Wikipedia

  • Milling cutter — Milling cutters are cutting tools typically used in milling machines or machining centres (and occasionally in other machine tools). They remove material by their movement within the machine (e.g., a ball nose mill) or directly from the cutter s… …   Wikipedia

  • turbine — /terr bin, buyn/, n. any of various machines having a rotor, usually with vanes or blades, driven by the pressure, momentum, or reactive thrust of a moving fluid, as steam, water, hot gases, or air, either occurring in the form of free jets or as …   Universalium

  • Micrometer — This article is about the measuring device. For the unit of length, see Micrometre. Outside, inside, and depth micrometers A micrometer (   …   Wikipedia

  • Tap and die — Not to be confused with Tool and die. Taps and dies are cutting tools used to create screw threads, which is called threading. A tap is used to cut the female portion of the mating pair (e.g., a nut). A die is used to cut the male portion of the… …   Wikipedia

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