spinal chord
Смотреть что такое "spinal chord" в других словарях:
spinal chord — spinal cord or spinal chord noun The main neural axis in vertebrates • • • Main Entry: ↑spine … Useful english dictionary
spinal anesthesia — numbing of the spinal chord … English contemporary dictionary
chord — chord, cord 1. Although we are dealing here with three English words, their histories are very much intertwined, and their ultimate origin is in the Latin word chorda which has several meanings. To begin with, there are two distinct words spelt… … Modern English usage
chord- — combining form or chordo Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, from chordē gut, string more at yarn : an anatomical cord: as a … Useful english dictionary
no|to|chord — «NOH tuh krd», noun. 1. a rodlike structure of cells, enclosed by a fibrous sheath running lengthwise in the back of many of the lowest vertebrates, such as the lancelet. It forms the main supporting structure of the body. 2. a similar structure… … Useful english dictionary
Petal (chakra) — IntroductionIn chakrology (see also esotericism and Tantra) the number of petals in a chakra identifies a characteristic of an individual chakra . The significance for each chakra to have a specific number of petals is not generally known. The… … Wikipedia
Dynorphin — protein Name=prodynorphin caption= width= HGNCid=8820 Symbol=PDYN AltSymbols= EntrezGene=5173 OMIM=131340 RefSeq=NM 024411 UniProt=P01213 PDB= ECnumber= Chromosome=20 Arm=p Band=ter LocusSupplementaryData= p12.2Dynorphins are a class of opioid… … Wikipedia
dermatomes — As spinal chord nerves branch out into the body, some segments fan out across the skin; these are the nerves that monitor the surface and are the source of senses of touch, pain, hot, cold and distension. All this information is funneled back… … Herbal-medical glossary
Cauda equina — Infobox Anatomy Name = Cauda equina Latin = GraySubject = 208 GrayPage = 919 Caption = Cauda equina and filum terminale seen from behind. Caption2 = Human caudal spinal chord anterior view Width = 200 Precursor = System = Artery = Iliolumbar… … Wikipedia
fish — fishless, adj. /fish/, n., pl. (esp. collectively) fish, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) fishes, v. n. 1. any of various cold blooded, aquatic vertebrates, having gills, commonly fins, and typically an elongated body covered with … Universalium
Fish — /fish/, n. Hamilton, 1808 93, U.S. statesman: secretary of state 1869 77. * * * I Any of more than 24,000 species of cold blooded vertebrates found worldwide in fresh and salt water. Living species range from the primitive lampreys and hagfishes… … Universalium