Spin-Lock — Ein Spinlock (Spin Lock) ist ein Mechanismus der Prozesssynchronisation. Es ist eine Sperre (Lock) in Form einer Variablen zum Schutz von gemeinsam genutzten Ressourcen (Datenstrukturen) vor modifizierendem Zugriff durch konkurrierende Prozesse… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lock, Shock, and Barrel — are fictional characters in the animated movie The Nightmare Before Christmas . Introduced as Oogie Boogie s not so loyal little henchmen (possibly against their will), all three are trick or treaters, with faces similar to their masks (e.g.… … Wikipedia
spin|dle — «SPIHN duhl», noun, adjective, verb, dled, dling. –n. 1. a rod or pin used in spinning to twist, wind, and hold thread. In hand spinning, the spindle is a round, usually wooden rod, tapering toward each end, that revolves and twists into thread… … Useful english dictionary
Line lock — A line lock is a device that allows you to lock the front brakes independently of the rear brakes via a switch. [http://www.hotrod.com/howto/49619 brake line lock install/index.html] , Installing a Brake Line Lock.]… … Wikipedia
Anti-lock braking system — An anti lock braking system (ABS, from German: Antiblockiersystem) is a safety system that allows the wheels on a motor vehicle to continue interacting tractively with the road surface as directed by driver steering inputs while braking,… … Wikipedia
Option Lock — Doctor Who book Option Lock Series Eighth Doctor Adventures … Wikipedia
RP 21 Sapfir Spin Scan-A — The RP 21 Sapfir was a radar system, developed by the Soviet Union for use in the updated MiG 21PF fighter, and later versions of the MiG 21.The early MiG 21 fighter variants, MiG 21 F and MiG 21F 13, were clear weather daylight only fighters.… … Wikipedia
anti-spin regulation — (ASR) The control or prevention of wheelspin under power, normally by means of electronic sensing and in conjunction with anti lock brakes … Dictionary of automotive terms
wheel spin sensors — Sensors used in the anti lock brake systems to determine the rate of wheel rotation … Dictionary of automotive terms
Spinlock — In software engineering, a spinlock is a lock where the thread simply waits in a loop ( spins ) repeatedly checking until the lock becomes available. As the thread remains active but isn t performing a useful task, the use of such a lock is a… … Wikipedia
Test-and-set — In computer science, the test and set instruction is an instruction used to both test and (conditionally) write to a memory location as part of a single atomic (i.e. non interruptible) operation. This means setting a value, but first performing… … Wikipedia