spin fishing
Смотреть что такое "spin fishing" в других словарях:
Spin fishing — is an angling technique where a spinning lure is used to entice the fish to bite. Spin fishing is used in both freshwater and marine environments. Spin fishing is distingushed between fly fishing and bait cast fishing by the type of rod and reel… … Wikipedia
spin fishing — n. SPINNING (n. 2) … English World dictionary
spin fishing — noun : spinning 2 * * * spin fisherman. spinning (def. 3). [1945 50] * * * spin fishing, = spinning (def. 2). (Cf. ↑spinning) … Useful english dictionary
spin fishing — spin′ fish ing n. spo spinning 3) spin′ fish erman, n … From formal English to slang
spin fishing — spin fisherman. spinning (def. 3). [1945 50] * * * … Universalium
spin fishing — sport fishing with a lure that rotates on the end of the line as retrieved; often a swivel is used to prevent the line becoming twisted. The reel used has a fixed spool and a bail wire loops retrieved line onto it. The reel hangs below the rod… … Dictionary of ichthyology
spin fishing — noun Date: 1950 spinning … New Collegiate Dictionary
spin fisherman — spin fisherman, a person who engages in spin fishing … Useful english dictionary
Fishing reel — A spinning reel A fishing reel is a cylindrical device attached to a fishing rod used in winding the line .[1] Modern fishing reels usually have fittings which make it easier to retrieve the line and deploy ( cast ) it for better accuracy or… … Wikipedia
Fishing rod — A fishing rod or a fishing pole is a tool used to catch fish, usually in conjunction with the sport of angling, can also be used in competition casting (sport). (Sustenance and commercial fishing usually involves nets). A length of fishing line… … Wikipedia
Fishing lure — In line spinner lure with ring, dish, body/weight and hook Fishing lures are made in various creative designs like this top water lure … Wikipedia