spin coating
Смотреть что такое "spin coating" в других словарях:
Spin coating — is a procedure used to apply uniform thin films to flat substrates. In short, an excess amount of a solution is placed on the substrate, which is then rotated at high speed in order to spread the fluid by centrifugal force. A machine used for… … Wikipedia
Spin-coating — Die Rotationsbeschichtung (engl. spin coating auch spin on) ist ein Verfahren zum Auftragen dünner und gleichmäßiger Schichten bzw. Filme auf einem Substrat. Zum Aufschleudern eignen sich alle in Lösung vorliegenden Materialien, wie der in der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Spin coating — Enduction centrifuge L enduction centrifuge (plus connue sous son nom anglais de spin coating) est une technique de déposition de film fin sur des surfaces planes en micro électronique. Le substrat, un wafer de semi conducteur en général, est… … Wikipédia en Français
spin coating — centrifuginis dengimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. spin coating vok. Aufschleudern, n rus. нанесение центрифугированием, n pranc. gainage par centrifugation, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Coating — is a covering that is applied to the surface of an object, usually referred to as the substrate. In many cases coatings are applied to improve surface properties of the substrate, such as appearance, adhesion, wetability, corrosion resistance,… … Wikipedia
spin-off — A commercially valuable product or process that emerges as an unexpected benefit from a research project in another field. For example, the non stick saucepan coating Teflon (trademark) came from the US space programme … Big dictionary of business and management
spin galvanizing — A hot dip galvanizing process for small objects. The objects are immersed into the molten zinc in a perforated basket which, once the coating forms, is centrifuged at high speed so that the spinning action throws off the surplus zinc and ensures… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Dip-coating — A schematic of the continuous dip coating process. Dip coating is a popular way of creating thin films for research purposes. Uniform films can be applied onto flat or cylindrical substrates. For industrial processes, spin coating is used more… … Wikipedia
List of coating techniques — This list contains an overview of coating techniques for thin film deposition, found in the field of materials science. The techniques can be classified as follows: Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) * Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy *… … Wikipedia
NASA spin-off — Science and technology in the United States African American contributions Discoveries … Wikipedia
dopant spin-on coating — parengiamasis difuzanto dengimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. dopant spin on; dopant spin on coating vok. Vorbelegungsdiffusion, f rus. предварительная загонка примеси, f pranc. prédéposition de dopant, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas