
1) избыток
2) перелив;
перемещение (напр. избыточного спроса с одного рынка на другой) spillover externality переливание через край избыток, что-л. избыточное (о населении и т. п.) - this estate takes the * from the centre of the city этот район застройки примет избыточное население центра города spillover избыток ~ переключение ~ перемещение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "spillover" в других словарях:

  • spillover — 1940, from SPILL (Cf. spill) + OVER (Cf. over) …   Etymology dictionary

  • spillover — [spil′ō΄vər] n. 1. the act of spilling over 2. that which spills over; excess or overabundance …   English World dictionary

  • Spillover — Von einem Übertragungseffekt (auch Spill over Effekt, Spillover Effekt, Spillover oder Spill over, vom englischen to spill – verschütten, überlaufen lassen) spricht man, wenn ein Ereignis/Zustand Auswirkungen auf andere Ereignisse/Zustände hat.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • spillover — spill|o|ver [ˈspılouvə US ouvər] n [U and C] the effect that one situation or problem has on another situation ▪ Not all of the violence in Miami was spillover from the trial. spillover effect/benefit/cost ▪ The weak European economy will have a… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • spillover — [[t]spɪ̱loʊvə(r)[/t]] spillovers N COUNT: usu with supp A spillover is a situation or feeling that starts in one place but then begins to happen or have an effect somewhere else. The army is taking precautions against any possible spillover as… …   English dictionary

  • spillover — UK [ˈspɪlˌəʊvə(r)] / US [ˈspɪlˌoʊvər] noun [countable] Word forms spillover : singular spillover plural spillovers an effect that spreads more than people expected or intended …   English dictionary

  • spillover — /ˈspɪloʊvə/ (say spilohvuh) noun 1. liquid that spills over from a container. 2. the ramifications of an event, change, etc., especially unforeseen or negative: political spillover from a government decision. –adjective 3. of or relating to such… …  

  • spillover — noun Usage: often attributive Date: 1940 1. the act or an instance of spilling over 2. a quantity that spills over 3. an extension of something especially when an excess exists < benefiting from a spillover of prosperity from neighboring states > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • spillover — noun That which overflows, the excess or side effect. The spillover from the dam due to the heavy rains will run down this channel and harmlessly dump into that river, we hope …   Wiktionary

  • spillover — noun Spillover is used before these nouns: ↑effect …   Collocations dictionary

  • Spillover effect — Spillover effects are externalities of economic activity or process upon those who are not directly involved in it. Odors from a rendering plant are negative spillover effects upon its neighbors; the beauty of a homeowner s flower garden is a… …   Wikipedia

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