
spaɪl сущ.
1) втулка;
деревянная затычка;
деревянный гвоздь
2) кол, свая деревянная затычка;
деревянный гвоздь втулка (строительство) кол (строительство) свая (американизм) (лесохозяйственное) выводная трубка, используемая при подсечке дерева (диалектизм) щепка, лучина;
стружка заткнуть дыру или отверстие затычкой (тж. * up) снабжать затычкой, втулкой и т. п. (строительство) вбивать сваи spile втулка;
деревянная затычка ~ кол, свая

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "spile" в других словарях:

  • Spile — Spile, n. [Cf. LG. spile, dial. G. speil, speiler, D. spijl. [root]170.] 1. A small plug or wooden pin, used to stop a vent, as in a cask. [1913 Webster] 2. A small tube or spout inserted in a tree for conducting sap, as from a sugar maple. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • spile — [spīl] n. [MDu, splinter, skewer, bar, spindle: for IE base see SPIKE1] 1. a plug or spigot, as for a barrel ☆ 2. a tap or spout driven into a maple tree to draw off sap 3. a heavy stake or timber driven into the ground as a foundation or support …   English World dictionary

  • Spile — Spile, v. t. To supply with a spile or a spigot; to make a small vent in, as a cask. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • spile — tap or spout for drawing maple sugar, 1844, from Northern English dialect spile “splinter” (1510s), from M.Du. or M.L.G. spile “splinter, skewer, bar, spindle,” perhaps related to SPIKE (Cf. spike) (n.1) …   Etymology dictionary

  • špile — špilè interj. BzF91; KŽ utukš (antis varant, baidant) …   Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language

  • Spile — A spile is a small wooden peg used to control the flow of carbon dioxide out of a cask of ale.Cask ale is served without externally supplied carbon dioxide or nitrogen. The idea that it is served flat with no bubbles at all, though, is a… …   Wikipedia

  • spile — spile1 /spuyl/, n., v., spiled, spiling. n. 1. a peg or plug of wood, esp. one used as a spigot. 2. a spout for conducting sap from the sugar maple. 3. a heavy wooden stake or pile. 4. Mining. forepole. v.t. 5. to stop up (a hole) with a spile or …   Universalium

  • spile — 1. noun a) A spigot or plug used to stop the hole in a barrel or cask. So I felt my way down the passage back to the vault, and recked not of the darkness, nor of Blackbeard and his crew, if only I could lay my lips to liquor. Thus I groped about …   Wiktionary

  • spile — [[t]spaɪl[/t]] n. v. spiled, spil•ing 1) a peg or plug of wood, esp. one used as a spigot 2) a spout for conducting sap from the sugar maple 3) bui a heavy wooden stake or pile 4) to stop up (a hole) with a spile 5) to tap by means of a spile 6)… …   From formal English to slang

  • spile — /spaɪl/ (say spuyl) noun 1. a peg or plug of wood, especially one used as a spigot. 2. US a spout for conducting sap from the sugar maple. 3. a heavy stake or beam driven into the ground, etc., as a support; a pile. –verb (t) (spiled, spiling) 4 …  

  • spile — I. noun Etymology: probably from Dutch spijl stake Date: 1513 1. pile I,1 2. a small plug used to stop the vent of a cask ; bung 3. a spout inserted in a tree to draw off sap II. transitive verb (spiled; …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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