spherical group

spherical group
мат. сферическая группа

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "spherical group" в других словарях:

  • Spherical harmonics — In mathematics, the spherical harmonics are the angular portion of an orthogonal set of solutions to Laplace s equation represented in a system of spherical coordinates. Spherical harmonics are important in many theoretical and practical… …   Wikipedia

  • Spherical 3-manifold — In mathematics, a spherical 3 manifold M is a 3 manifold of the form M = S3 / Γ where Γ is a finite subgroup of SO(4) acting freely by rotations on the 3 sphere S3. All such manifolds are prime, orientable, and closed. Spherical 3 manifolds are… …   Wikipedia

  • Spherical Earth — Medieval artistic representation of a spherical Earth with compartments representing earth, air, and water (c. 1400). The concept of a spherical Earth dates back to ancient Greek philosophy from around the 6th century BC …   Wikipedia

  • Spherical design — A spherical design, part of combinatorial design theory in mathematics, is a finite set of points on the d dimensional unit hypersphere Sd such that the average value of any polynomial f of degree t or less on the set equals the average value of… …   Wikipedia

  • Spherical bearing — A spherical bearing is a bearing that permits angular rotation about a central point in two orthogonal directions within a specified angular limit based on the bearing geometry. Typically these bearings support a rotating shaft in the [bore] of… …   Wikipedia

  • Spherical space form conjecture — In mathematics, the spherical space form conjecture in geometric topology states that a finite group acting on the 3 sphere is conjugate to a group of isometries of the 3 sphere acting by left translation. Currently the conjecture is known for… …   Wikipedia

  • Group B streptococcal infection — DiseaseDisorder infobox Name = Streptococcus, group B, as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters ICD10 = ICD10|B|95|1|b|95 ICD9 = Infection with Group B Streptococcus (GBS), also known as Streptococcus agalactiae and more colloquially …   Wikipedia

  • Orthogonal group — Group theory Group theory …   Wikipedia

  • Zonal spherical function — In mathematics, a zonal spherical function or often just spherical function is a function on a locally compact group G with compact subgroup K (often a maximal compact subgroup) that arises as the matrix coefficient of a K invariant vector in an… …   Wikipedia

  • Plancherel theorem for spherical functions — In mathematics, the Plancherel theorem for spherical functions is an important result in the representation theory of semisimple Lie groups, due in its final form to Harish Chandra. It is a natural generalisation in non commutative harmonic… …   Wikipedia

  • Triangle group — In mathematics, a triangle group is a group that can be realized geometrically by sequences of reflections across the sides of a triangle. The triangle can be an ordinary Euclidean triangle, a triangle on the sphere, or a hyperbolic triangle.… …   Wikipedia

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