spherical charge

spherical charge
сферический заряд

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "spherical charge" в других словарях:

  • Spherical multipole moments — are the coefficients in a series expansionof a potential that varies inversely with the distance R to a source, i.e., as frac{1}{R}. Examples of such potentials are the electric potential, the magnetic potential and the gravitational… …   Wikipedia

  • Spherical coordinate system — In mathematics, the spherical coordinate system is a coordinate system for representing geometric figures in three dimensions using three coordinates: the radial distance of a point from a fixed origin, the zenith angle from the positive z axis… …   Wikipedia

  • Richard Liboff — Richard L. Liboff is a U.S. physicist who has authored five books and nearly 150 other publications in variety of fields, including plasma physics, planetary physics, cosmology, quantum chaos, and quantum billiards.He earned his Ph.D., 1961 from… …   Wikipedia

  • Mössbauer spectroscopy — A Mössbauer absorption spectrum of 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy is a spectroscopic technique based on the Mössbauer effect. This effect, discovered by Rudolf Mössbauer in 1957, consists in the recoil free, resonant absorption and emission of gamma …   Wikipedia

  • Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance — (NMR) spectroscopy, characterized by the presence of anisotropic (directionally dependent) interactions.IntroductionBasic conceptsA spin interacts with a magnetic or an electric field. Spatial proximity and/or a chemical bond between two atoms… …   Wikipedia

  • Сферический заряд —         (a. spherical charge; н. geballte Ladung; ф. charge spherique; и. carga esferica) сосредоточенный заряд BB сферич. формы. Oбеспечивает при взрыве равномерное во все стороны от заряда распределение напряжений в массиве и его …   Геологическая энциклопедия

  • Mihai Gavrilă — Born October 10, 1929 Cluj, Romania Citizenship France Nationality …   Wikipedia

  • Multipole expansion — A multipole expansion is a mathematical series representing a function that depends on angles usually the two angles on a sphere. These series are useful because they can often be truncated, meaning that only the first few terms need to be… …   Wikipedia

  • nuclear fission — fission (def. 2). [1885 90] * * * Division of a heavy atomic nucleus into two fragments of roughly equal mass, accompanied by the release of a large amount of energy, the binding energy of the subatomic particles. The energy released in the… …   Universalium

  • Multipole radiation — is a theoretical framework for the description of electromagnetic or gravitational radiation from time dependent distributions of distant sources. These tools are applied to physical phenomena which occur at a variety of length scales from… …   Wikipedia

  • Gaussian surface — A Gaussian surface is a closed two dimensional surface through which a flux or electric field is to be calculated. The surface is used in conjunction with Gauss s law (a consequence of the divergence theorem), allowing one to calculate the total… …   Wikipedia

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