Смотреть что такое "sphagnous" в других словарях:
Sphagnous — Sphag nous, a. (Bot.) Pertaining to moss of the genus {Sphagnum}, or bog moss; abounding in peat or bog moss. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sphagnous — ˈsfagnəs adjective Etymology: New Latin Sphagnum + English ous 1. : being or made up of mosses of the genus Sphagnum a heavy sphagnous growth sphagnous plants … Useful english dictionary
sphagnous — adjective Date: circa 1828 of, relating to, or abounding in sphagnum … New Collegiate Dictionary
sphagnous — /sfag neuhs/, adj. pertaining to, abounding in, or consisting of sphagnum. [1820 30; SPHAGN(UM) + OUS] * * * … Universalium
sphagnous — adjective Pertaining to, or consisting of sphagnum … Wiktionary
sphagnous — sphag·nous … English syllables
sphagnous — /ˈsfægnəs/ (say sfagnuhs) adjective relating to, producing, or consisting of sphagnum …
sphagnum — n. (pl. na) peat or bog moss. ♦ sphagnicolous, a. growing in this. ♦ sphagnology, n. study of this. ♦ sphagnous, a … Dictionary of difficult words
sphagnum — [sfag′nəm] n. [ModL < Gr sphagnos, kind of moss] 1. any of a genus (Sphagnum) of highly absorbent, spongelike, grayish peat mosses found in bogs 2. a mass of such peat mosses, used to improve soil, to pack and pot plants, etc. sphagnous… … English World dictionary
balsam bog — noun 1. : a plant (Azorella glebaria) of the Falkland islands and Patagonia that belongs to the carrot family, forms dense woody hillocks often several feet in height, and yields a gum used as a folk remedy 2. : a usually sphagnous bog in… … Useful english dictionary