Смотреть что такое "spelunker" в других словарях:
Spelunker HD — Japanese logo. Developer(s) Irem Software Engineering Publisher(s) Irem Software Engineering … Wikipedia
Spelunker — ist ein Computerspiel für Atari 8 Bit Homecomputer, das auch für den Commodore 64 und das NES adaptiert wurde. Es ist ein Plattformspiel, wie Pitfall! oder Curse of Ra. Das Titelwort, zu dem es auch das Verb „spelunking“ gibt, bedeutet so viel… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Spelunker — has several meanings.* Spelunker may refer to a person who explores caves or is interested in caving. * Spelunker is a video game … Wikipedia
spelunker — a cave bug; one who explores caves as a hobby, 1942, formed from obsolete SPELUNK (Cf. spelunk) cave, cavern … Etymology dictionary
spelunker — ☆ spelunker [spi luŋ′kər, spē′luŋ΄kər ] n. [< obs. spelunk, cave (< ME spelunke < L spelunca < Gr spēlynx, akin to spēlaion, cave) + ER] a person who explores caves as a hobby spelunking n … English World dictionary
spelunker — [[t]spɪlʌ̱ŋkə(r)[/t]] spelunkers N COUNT A spelunker is someone who goes into underground caves and tunnels as a leisure activity. [AM] (in BRIT, use potholer) … English dictionary
Spelunker (Juego) — Spelunker Desarrolladora(s) MicroGraphicImage, Irem Distribuidora(s) MicroGraphicImage, Brøderbund Diseñador(es) Tim Martin Última … Wikipedia Español
Spelunker (video game) — Infobox VG title = Spelunker caption = The original video game cover of the game. developer = MicroGraphicImage, Irem publisher = MicroGraphicImage, Brøderbund designer = Tim Martin released = vgrelease|United States of America|USA|1983,… … Wikipedia
spelunker — noun Etymology: Latin spelunca cave, from Greek spēlynx; akin to Greek spēlaion cave Date: 1942 one who makes a hobby of exploring and studying caves … New Collegiate Dictionary
spelunker — spelunking, n. /spi lung keuhr/, n. a person who explores caves, esp. as a hobby. [1940 45; < L spelunc(a) cave ( Gk spêlynx, s. spelyng , akin to spélaion; cf. SPELAEAN) + ER1] * * * … Universalium
spelunker — noun One who explores caves; one who spelunks … Wiktionary