- spelling error
- орфографическая ошибка орфографическая ошибка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
spelling error — rašybos klaida statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Dokumento teksto neatitikimas tam tikros kalbos rašybos taisyklėms. Dalis rašybos klaidų gali atsirasti dėl ↑rinkimo klaidų. Rašybos klaidas aptinka ir pažymi ↑rašybos tikrintuvės.… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
error — er·ror n: an act that through ignorance, deficiency, or accident departs from or fails to achieve what should be done procedural error s; esp: a mistake made by a lower court in conducting judicial proceedings or making findings in a case to… … Law dictionary
error — error, mistake, blunder, slip, lapse, faux pas, bull, howler, boner are comparable when they denote something (as an act, statement, or belief) that involves a departure from what is, or what is generally held to be, true, right, or proper. Error … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Spelling — For other uses, see Spelling (disambiguation). Part of a series on Reading … Wikipedia
error — an incorrect spelling in a name, or other word. A copyist s error is an incorrect spelling made in copying, an inadvertent error is an incorrect spelling, such as a lapsus calami, or a copyist s or a printer s error, not intended by the original… … Dictionary of ichthyology
error — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ egregious (esp. AmE), fundamental, glaring, grave, great, grievous, major, serious ▪ The report contained some glaring errors … Collocations dictionary
Error-tolerant design — An error tolerant design is one that does not unduly penalize user errors. It is the human equivalent of fault tolerant design that allows equipment to continue functioning in the presence of hardware faults, such as a limp in mode for an… … Wikipedia
error — noun 1 (C, U) a mistake, especially a mistake in speaking or writing or a mistake that causes serious problems: an essay full of spelling errors | Heath committed a grave error by making concessions to the right wing of the party. |… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
spelling — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ correct, incorrect ▪ conventional, proper, usual ▪ alternate (esp. AmE), alternative, different … Collocations dictionary
spelling checker n — Eye halve a spelling chequer/It came with my pea sea/It plainly marques four my revue/Miss steaks eye kin knot sea./Eye strike a key and type a word/And weight four it two say/ Weather eye am wrong oar write/It shows me strait a weigh./As soon as … English expressions
American and British English spelling differences — Spelling differences redirects here. For other uses, see Category:Language comparison. For guidelines on dialects and spelling in the English language version of Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Manual of Style#National varieties of English. Differences… … Wikipedia