speed buffering

speed buffering
выравнивание скоростей путем буферизации

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "speed buffering" в других словарях:

  • Multiple buffering — In computer science, multiple buffering is the use of more than one buffer to hold a block of data, so that a reader will see a complete (though perhaps old) version of the data, rather than a partially updated version of the data being created… …   Wikipedia

  • Triple buffering — In computer graphics, triple buffering is a variant on double buffering, a technique for drawing graphics that shows no (or less) flicker, shearing, and tearing artifacts.Triple buffering attempts to provide a speed improvement over double… …   Wikipedia

  • Typing — notebook keyboardTyping is the process of inputting text into a device, such as a typewriter, computer, or a calculator, by pressing keys on a keyboard. It can be distinguished from other means of input, such as the use of pointing devices like… …   Wikipedia

  • Nasal irrigation — Intervention A woman flushing her nose with a neti pot. ICD 9 CM …   Wikipedia

  • Electronic skip protection — is a memory buffer system used mainly in some portable Compact Disc (CD) players and all MiniDisc (MD) units.TechnologyWhen the buffering circuitry is in operation, the compact disc is read at a fixed read speed or CAV and the content is buffered …   Wikipedia

  • Streaming media — A typical webcast, streaming in an embedded media player. Streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by and presented to an end user while being delivered by a streaming provider.[note 1] The name refers to the delivery method of… …   Wikipedia

  • Atari Jaguar II — Infobox CVG system title = Atari Jaguar II manufacturer = Atari Corporation type = Video game console generation = lifespan = prototype in 1995 CPU = media = onlineservice = topgame = compatibility = Atari Jaguar, Jaguar CD predecessor = Atari… …   Wikipedia

  • Real time database — A real time database is a processing system designed to handle workloads whose state is constantly changing (Buchmann). This differs from traditional databases containing persistent data, mostly unaffected by time. For example, a stock market… …   Wikipedia

  • WebPlayer9 Streaming Video On Demand System — WebPlayer9 streaming video on demand software system is a high performance, video media server for on demand streaming. The official homepage is http://www.streaming media server.com.The communication between server and client is using HTTP… …   Wikipedia

  • Gel electrophoresis — apparatus – An agarose gel is placed in this buffer filled box and electrical field is applied via the power supply to the rear. The negative terminal is at the far end (black wire), so DNA migrates toward the camera. Classification… …   Wikipedia

  • Agarose gel electrophoresis — is a method used in biochemistry and molecular biology to separate DNA, or RNA molecules by size. This is achieved by moving negatively charged nucleic acid molecules through an agarose matrix with an electric field (electrophoresis). Shorter… …   Wikipedia

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