speech clinic
Смотреть что такое "speech clinic" в других словарях:
speech clinic — n. a clinic for treating speech disorders … English World dictionary
speech clinic — a place at which specialists in speech therapy reeducate those with a speech handicap. * * * speech clinic, a clinic where speech disorders, such as lisping and stuttering, are treated … Useful english dictionary
speech clinic — a place at which specialists in speech therapy reeducate those with a speech handicap. * * * … Universalium
clinic — /klin ik/, n. 1. a place, as in connection with a medical school or a hospital, for the treatment of nonresident patients, sometimes at low cost or without charge. 2. a group of physicians, dentists, or the like, working in cooperation and… … Universalium
clinic — n. 1) to hold a clinic 2) an abortion; animal; dental; diagnostic; family planning; mental health; outpatient; special; speech; well child (AE) clinic 3) at, in a clinic (she works at the clinic) * * * [ klɪnɪk] animal dental diagnostic family… … Combinatory dictionary
Cleveland Hearing & Speech Center — CHSC Logo Cleveland Hearing Speech Center (CHSC) is a non profit (501(c)3) organization based in Cleveland, Ohio specializing in providing hearing services, speech language and learning, and interpreting and advocacy services through its… … Wikipedia
House Ear Clinic — was established in 1956 by Doctors William F. House, M.D., Howard P. House, M.D., James Sheehy, M.D. and Fred Linthicum, M.D. with a focus in practice on problems of the ear, nose and throat (ENT), otology, and otolaryngology.Howard P. House was… … Wikipedia
Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act — Full title Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act of 1994 Acronym FACE Enacted by the 103rd United States Congress Effective May 26, 1994 … Wikipedia
Dream speech — In 1906 the famous German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin published a monograph titled Über Sprachstörungen im Traume ( On Language Disturbances in Dreams ). In his psychiatry textbook Kraepelin used the shortcut Traumsprache to denote language… … Wikipedia
All India Institute of Speech and Hearing — The All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, commonly known as AIISH (AYE SH), is located in Manasagangotri (Mysore University Campus), Mysore, India. It is an autonomous institute under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The institute… … Wikipedia
child health clinic — (in Britain) a special clinic for the routine care of infants and preschool children, formerly known as a child welfare centre. Sometimes these clinics are staffed by doctors, health visitor, and clinic nurses employed by community trusts; the… … Medical dictionary