
ˈspektrəm сущ.;
физ. спектр (физическое) спектр - solar * спектр Солнца, солнечный спектр (специальное) диапазон (все) разнообразие;
размах, широкий диапазон - the * of political beliefs самые разнообразные политические воззрения изображение, образ привидение, призрак (редкое) образ, видение spectrum (pl -ra) физ. спектр ~ физ. attr. спектральный;
spectrum analysis спектральный анализ ~ физ. attr. спектральный;
spectrum analysis спектральный анализ

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "spectrum" в других словарях:

  • Spectrum — Spec trum, n.; pl. {Spectra}. [L. See {Specter}.] 1. An apparition; a specter. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] 2. (Opt.) (a) The several colored and other rays of which light is composed, separated by the refraction of a prism or other means, and observed… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Spectrum 7 — was an oil company started by William DeWitt and Mercer Reynolds.In 1984, Spectrum 7 merged with George W. Bush s Arbusto Energy. After the merger, Bush became the Chairman and CEO of Spectrum 7.In 1986, after reporting a net loss of $1.5 million …   Wikipedia

  • spectrum — UK US /ˈspektrəm/ noun [C] ► a range of similar things: a spectrum of sth »A methodology will have to be developed to gradually cover the entire spectrum of technologies. »a wide/broad spectrum the economic/business/political spectrum »He has… …   Financial and business terms

  • spectrum — [spek′trəm] n. pl. spectra [spek′trə] or spectrums [ModL, special use (by NEWTON2 Sir Isaac, 1671) of L spectrum: see SPECTER] 1. the series of colored bands dispersed and arranged in the order of their respective wavelengths by the passage of… …   English World dictionary

  • Spectrum — puede referirse a: Sinclair ZX Spectrum, popular ordenador de 8 bits; The Spectrum, pabellón deportivo de la ciudad de Filadelfia. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados con el mismo título. Si llegaste aquí a través de …   Wikipedia Español

  • spectrum — (n.) 1610s, apparition, specter, from L. spectrum appearance, image, apparition, from specere to look at, view (see SCOPE (Cf. scope) (1)). Meaning band of colors formed from a beam of light first recorded 1670s …   Etymology dictionary

  • spectrum — ► NOUN (pl. spectra) 1) a band of colours produced by separation of the components of light by their different degrees of refraction, e.g. in a rainbow. 2) the entire range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. 3) a characteristic series… …   English terms dictionary

  • Spectrum [1] — Spectrum (lat.), 1) Gestalt, Bild; 2) Gespenst; 3) (S. oculare), Augentäuschung (sd. 2); 4) eine begrenzte Stelle im Raume od. auf einer Fläche, in welcher Strahlen von verschiedener Brechbarkeit (beim Licht also von verschiedener Farbe) neben… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Spectrum [2] — Spectrum, 1) eine Art Zackenschwärmer; 2) so v.w. Gespenstheuschrecke …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Spectrum — Spectrum, lat., Bild, Gespenst; in der Physik eine begränzte Stelle in der Luft oder auf einer Fläche, auf der sich ein strahlendes Fluidum (Licht, Wärme) gleichsam abbildet …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • spectrum — has the plural form spectra …   Modern English usage

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