Смотреть что такое "spectropolarimeter" в других словарях:
spectropolarimeter — spektropoliarimetras statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Sukamosios dispersijos, t. y. poliarizacijos plokštumos sukimo kampo ir šviesos bangos ilgio priklausomybės, matuoklis. Juo tiriama optiškai aktyvios medžiagos… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
spectropolarimeter — spektropoliarimetras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. spectropolarimeter vok. Spektralpolarimeter, n rus. спектрополяриметр, m pranc. spectropolarimètre, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
spectropolarimeter — /spek troh poh leuh rim i teuhr/, n. Optics. an instrument for determining the extent to which plane polarized light of various wavelengths is rotated by certain solutions, consisting of a combination of a spectroscope and a polarimeter. [SPECTRO … Universalium
spectropolarimeter — noun A device for measuring the optical properties of polarized light … Wiktionary
spectropolarimeter — An instrument for measuring the rotation of the plane of polarized light of specific wavelength upon passage through a solution or translucent solid. [spectro + polarimeter] … Medical dictionary
spectropolarimeter — n. optical device for measuring polarized light … English contemporary dictionary
spectropolarimeter — spec·tro·polarimeter … English syllables
spectropolarimeter — “+ noun Etymology: spectro + polarimeter : a combined spectroscope and polarimeter that is used for the determination of the rotatory power of solutions at different wavelengths * * * /spek troh poh leuh rim i teuhr/, n. Optics. an instrument for … Useful english dictionary
spectropolariscope — “+ noun Etymology: spectro + polariscope : a combined spectroscope and polariscope : spectropolarimeter * * * /spek troh poh lar euh skohp /, n. Optics. an instrument combining the functions of a spectroscope with those of a polariscope. Cf.… … Useful english dictionary
Southern African Large Telescope — Infobox Telescope bgcolour = name = Southern African Large Telescope caption = organization = National Research Foundation of South Africa location = Sutherland, South Africa coords = altitude = weather = wavelength = Optical built = 2005 website … Wikipedia
Pic du Midi de Bigorre — Another Pic du Midi is the Pic du Midi d Ossau. Pic du Midi de Bigorre Elevation … Wikipedia