spectral element

spectral element
мат. спектральный элемент

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "spectral element" в других словарях:

  • Spectral element method — In mathematics, the spectral element method is a high order finite element method.Introduced in a 1984 paper [A. T. Patera. A spectral element method for fluid dynamics Laminar flow in a channel expansion. Journal of Computational Physics ,… …   Wikipedia

  • Spectral method — Spectral methods are a class of techniques used in applied mathematics and scientific computing to numerically solve certain Dynamical Systems, often involving the use of the Fast Fourier Transform. Where applicable, spectral methods have… …   Wikipedia

  • spectral — spectral, ale, aux [ spɛktral, o ] adj. • analyse spectrale 1859; cf. spectralement (1847); de spectre 1 ♦ Phys. Qui repose sur l étude des spectres (2o). Analyse spectrale : ensemble des techniques d étude et de détermination des spectres. ♢ Qui …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Spectral line — Continuous spectrum Emission line …   Wikipedia

  • Spectral radius — In mathematics, the spectral radius of a matrix or a bounded linear operator is the supremum among the absolute values of the elements in its spectrum, which is sometimes denoted by rho;( middot;).pectral radius of a matrixLet lambda;1, hellip;,… …   Wikipedia

  • spectral series — Physics. a series of lines in the spectrum of light emitted by excited atoms of an element, each line being related to the others in the series by a simple numerical equation and identified with a particular energy level of an atom of the element …   Useful english dictionary

  • spectral line — noun : one of a series of linear images of the narrow slit of a spectrograph or similar instrument corresponding to a component of the spectrum of the radiation emitted by a particular source * * * Optics. a line in a spectrum due to the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • spectral series — Physics. a series of lines in the spectrum of light emitted by excited atoms of an element, each line being related to the others in the series by a simple numerical equation and identified with a particular energy level of an atom of the element …   Universalium

  • spectral series — /spɛktrəl ˈsɪəriz/ (say spektruhl searreez) noun a series of lines in the emission spectrum of a substance, each line representing a particular transition between energy levels of an atom of an element …  

  • Finite element method — The finite element method (FEM) (sometimes referred to as finite element analysis) is a numerical technique for finding approximate solutions of partial differential equations (PDE) as well as of integral equations. The solution approach is based …   Wikipedia

  • Theoreme spectral — Théorème spectral Un ellipsoïde en trois possède autant d axes de symétrie que l espace de dimensions. Ils sont notés ici x, y et z …   Wikipédia en Français

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