specified life
Смотреть что такое "specified life" в других словарях:
Life University — is located in Marietta, Georgia. It specializes in degrees in Chiropractic, and also offers programs in Pre Chiropractic, Business, Nutrition, Sport Health Sciences and Biology. The university s current president is Dr. Guy Riekeman, D.C., former … Wikipedia
Life insurance in India — Life Insurance is the fastest growing sector in India since 2000 as Government allowed Private players and FDI up to 26%. Life Insurance in India was nationalised by incorporating Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) in 1956. All private life… … Wikipedia
life estate — see estate 1 Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. life estate … Law dictionary
life — or get a life [līf] n. pl. lives [ME < OE līf, akin to ON líf, life, Ger leib, body < IE base * leibh , to LIVE1] 1. that property or quality of plants and animals that distinguishes them from inorganic matter or dead organisms; specif.,… … English World dictionary
life insurance — n: insurance providing for the payment of money to a designated beneficiary upon the death of the insured see also endowment insurance ordinary life insurance: whole life insurance in this entry straight life insurance … Law dictionary
life — ► NOUN (pl. lives) 1) the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth and functional activity. 2) the existence of an individual human being or animal. 3) a particular type or aspect of … English terms dictionary
specified income payable for life — index annuity, pension Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
life assurance — or insurance a contractual arrangement under which, in return for a stipulated premium, a life assurance company undertakes to pay, on the death of the life assured or on the occurrence of such other events as may be agreed, a specified sum of… … Law dictionary
life assurance or insurance — a contractual arrangement under which, in return for a stipulated premium, a life assurance company undertakes to pay, on the death of the life assured or on the occurrence of such other events as may be agreed, a specified sum of money. Collins… … Law dictionary
life cycle — n 1) the series of stages in form and functional activity through which an organism passes between successive recurrences of a specified primary stage 2) LIFE HISTORY (1a) * * * the successive events in the life history of an organism, such as… … Medical dictionary
life span — līf .span n 1) the duration of existence of an individual 2) the average length of life of a kind of organism or of a material object esp. in a particular environment or under specified circumstances … Medical dictionary