specific training
Смотреть что такое "specific training" в других словарях:
specific training — specifinės pratybos statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Pratybos, kuriose technikos veiksmai ir jų deriniai tobulinami artimomis varžyboms situacijomis, o fiziniai krūviai, jų pobūdis ir struktūra, sportininko atsigavimo būdai –… … Sporto terminų žodynas
Hypertrophy-specific Training — (HST) is a method of strength training intended to induce muscle growth, or hypertrophy , in its practitioners. The method was popularized following an October 2000 ThinkMuscle newsletter article by fitness writer Bryan Haycock, which discussed… … Wikipedia
Hypertrophy Specific Training — Beim Hypertrophy Specific Training (HST – deutsch: hypertrophiespezifisches Training) handelt es sich um ein Trainingsprinzip im Bodybuilding und im Kraftsport, das sich durch kurze, aber häufige Trainingseinheiten auszeichnet. Im Gegensatz zu… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Specific Physical Preparedness — (abbreviated SPP), also referred to by Sports specific Physical Preparedness is the status of being prepared for the movements in a specific activity (usually a sport).Specific training includes movements specific to a sport that can only be… … Wikipedia
Training Center Petaluma — Entrance sign in 2008 Training Center Petaluma is a Coast Guard training facility in the northern California counties of Sonoma and Marin. Approximately 4,000 students train there each year[1]. It was formerly the … Wikipedia
training and readiness oversight — The category identifying (by specific training and retirement category designator) a reservist … Military dictionary
training, sociology of — Training implies preparation for a specific task or role by ordered instruction. Academic sociologists often contrast training with education. Sociologically, however, training should be conceptually opposed to schooling, leaving discussion of… … Dictionary of sociology
Training — For other uses, see Training (disambiguation). An astronaut in training for an extra vehicular activity mission using an underwater simulation environment. The term training refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and compe … Wikipedia
training, transfer of — In psychology, the effect of having learned one activity on an individual s execution of other activities. Positive transfer occurs when a previously acquired skill enhances one s performance of a new one. Negative transfer occurs when the… … Universalium
Training and licensing of clinical psychologists — Psychology … Wikipedia
Training film — A training film is a form of educational film ndash; a short subject documentary movie, that provides an introduction to a topic. Both narrative documentary and dramatisation styles may be used, sometimes both in the same production. While most… … Wikipedia