specific tariff

specific tariff
специфический тариф, специфические пошлины

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "specific tariff" в других словарях:

  • specific tariff — UK US noun [C or U] TAX ► SPECIFIC TAX(Cf. ↑specific tax) …   Financial and business terms

  • specific tax — ➔ tax1 * * * specific tax UK US noun [C or U] (also specific duty, specific tariff) TAX ► a tax that is given as a fixed rate for each unit of a good or service, rather than based on its value: »They agreed to a new specific tax on petroleum… …   Financial and business terms

  • tariff — tariffless, adj. /tar if/, n. 1. an official list or table showing the duties or customs imposed by a government on imports or exports. 2. the schedule or system of duties so imposed. 3. any duty or rate of duty in such a list or schedule. 4. any …   Universalium

  • Tariff of 1842 — The Tariff of 1842, or Black Tariff as it became known, was a protectionist tariff schedule adopted in the United States to reverse the effects of the Compromise Tariff of 1833. The Compromise Tariff contained a provision that successively… …   Wikipedia

  • Tariff of 1790 — In 1790, Alexander Hamilton, the secretary of the treasury, calculated that the United States required $3 million a year for operating expenses as well as enough revenue to repay the estimated $75 million in foreign and domestic debt. Under the… …   Wikipedia

  • tariff — Synonyms and related words: VAT, ad valorem duty, alcohol tax, amusement tax, assessment, assessment on default, bill of fare, capital gains tax, capitation, capitation tax, cess, charge, corporation tax, cost, customs, customs duty, death duty,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • specific duty — noun : a duty assessed on an article of a given kind at a flat rate per unit of quantity (as a ton, bushel, or yard) without individual appraisal * * * specific duty, a duty or tariff on a certain kind of article or on a given quantity of an… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Morrill Tariff — The Morrill Tariff of 1861 was a protective tariff in the United States, adopted on March 2, 1861 during the administration of President James Buchanan. Named for its sponsor, Representative Justin Smith Morrill of Vermont, who drafted it with… …   Wikipedia

  • Non-tariff barriers to trade — (NTBs) are trade barriers that restrict imports but are not in the usual form of a tariff. Some common examples of NTB s are anti dumping measures and countervailing duties, which, although they are called non tariff barriers, have the effect of… …   Wikipedia

  • Feed-in tariff — Part of a series on Green economics Concepts …   Wikipedia

  • McKinley Tariff — The Tariff Act of 1890, commonly called the McKinley Tariff, was an act framed by Representative William McKinley that became law on October 1, 1890. The tariff raised the average duty on imports to almost fifty percent, an act designed to… …   Wikipedia

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