specific speed

specific speed
удельное число оборотов, машиностр. коэффициент быстроходности

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "specific speed" в других словарях:

  • Specific Speed — The net suction specific speed is a dimensionless number defined by centrifugal and axial pumps inherent physical characteristics and operating pointcite web| url = http://www.gouldspumps.com/cpf 0008.html| title = NPSH and Suction Specific Speed …   Wikipedia

  • Specific speed — Pump Specific Speed is an index that, in mechanical terms, represents the impeller speed of a pump necessary to generate 1 gallon per minute at 1 foot of head.Ns = (n*sqrt(Q)) / (gH^(3/4))Ns = specific speed (unitless)n = pump rotational speed in …   Wikipedia

  • specific speed — An index which provides information on the general profile or shape of the impeller of a pump. The specific speed is the speed in revolutions per minute at which an impeller would run if reduced in size to deliver one gallon per minute against a… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Speed index — (sometimes Speed rating) is a system of rating the performance of Quarter Horse racehorses. The American Quarter Horse Association (or the AQHA) has used two systems over the history of Quarter Horse racing to evaluate racing performances. The… …   Wikipedia

  • speed — [1] The average rate at which an object is travelling. Measured as a relationship of distance per time e.g., meters per second (m/s), kilometers per hour (kph or km/h), feet per second (ft/sec.), miles per hour (mph), or revolutions per minute… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Specific impulse — (usually abbreviated I sp) is a way to describe the efficiency of rocket and jet engines. It represents the impulse (change in momentum) per unit of propellant. The higher the specific impulse, the less propellant is needed to gain a given amount …   Wikipedia

  • Specific fuel consumption (thrust) — Specific fuel consumption, often shortened to SFC, or TSFC is an engineering term that is used to describe the fuel efficiency of an engine design with respect to thrust output. It allows the efficiency of different sized engines to be directly… …   Wikipedia

  • Specific thrust — is a term used in Gas Turbine Engineering to show the relative bulk of a jet engine (e.g. turbojet, turbofan, etc) and is defined as the ratio: net thrust/total intake airflow. Low specific thrust enginesA modern civil turbofan has a low specific …   Wikipedia

  • Speed limits in the United States — are set by each state or territory. Speed limits in the United States vary according to the type of road and land use. These speed limits do not exceed eighty miles per hour. Increments of five miles per hour are used. Additionally, these limits… …   Wikipedia

  • specific finding — A decision on a fact made by a jury in its verdict at the judge s request. Often the judge gives a jury a list of decisions to be made on specific findings of fact to help the jurors focus on the issues. For example, a judge may ask the jury to… …   Law dictionary

  • Speed Tribes — Speed Tribes: Days and Nights with Japan s Next Generation is a 1995 book by Karl Taro Greenfeld. It is a collection of non fiction short stories, each focusing on a specific Japanese youth in the early 1990s, a turbulent time in Japan following… …   Wikipedia

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