special well
Смотреть что такое "special well" в других словарях:
Special relativity — (SR) (also known as the special theory of relativity or STR) is the physical theory of measurement in inertial frames of reference proposed in 1905 by Albert Einstein (after considerable contributions of Hendrik Lorentz and Henri Poincaré) in the … Wikipedia
Special Circumstances — (also abbreviated SC) is a secret service type organisation that exists within the fictional anarchist utopian science fiction civilisation known as the Culture. It forms a background and plot device in several novels and shorter works of Iain M … Wikipedia
Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen — Active 16 April 1987 Country United States Branch … Wikipedia
Special election musical chairs — is a term used by editorialists to describe a series of special elections triggered by the mid term resignation or death of an officeholder, with elections being won by other officeholders, triggering further special elections until either the… … Wikipedia
Special education in the United States — Special education programs in the United States were made mandatory in 1975 when the United States Congress passed the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA) in response to discriminatory treatment by public educational agencies against … Wikipedia
Special Olympics — is an international organization created to help people with intellectual disabilities develop self confidence, social skills and a sense of personal accomplishment. Among their other activities, Special Olympics conducts the Special Olympics… … Wikipedia
Special Economic Zones of the People's Republic of China — Special Economic Zones A map showing the locations of the Special Economic Zones Simplified Chinese 经济特区 … Wikipedia
Special Collections @ University of Pretoria Library Services — Special Collections is a self contained unit in the University of Pretoria Library Services. The mission of the [http://www.library.up.ac.za/special/index.htm Special Collections] unit is to play a stewardship role in the preservation and proper… … Wikipedia
Special Administrative Unit of Civil Aeronautics — Unidad Administrativa Especial de Aeronáutica Civil Logo of Aerocivil Agency overview Formed … Wikipedia
Special Task Force of National Anti-Drug Department — Special Task Force of the National Anti drug Department of Slovakia (hereinafter NADSTF) was created in 1996 as a response to the peculiarity of anti drug actions and specific situations where trespassers act with greater conspiracy and violence… … Wikipedia
Special Task Force of National Anti-Drug Department - Slovakia — Special Task Force of the National Anti drug Department of Slovakia (hereinafter NADSTF) was created in 1996 as a response to the peculiarity of anti drug actions and specific situations where trespassers act with greater conspiracy and violence… … Wikipedia