special symbol
Смотреть что такое "special symbol" в других словарях:
special symbol — specialusis ženklas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. additional symbol; special character; special symbol vok. Sondersymbol, n; Sonderzeichen, n rus. специальный знак, m pranc. symbole spécial, n … Automatikos terminų žodynas
special character — specialusis ženklas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. additional symbol; special character; special symbol vok. Sondersymbol, n; Sonderzeichen, n rus. специальный знак, m pranc. symbole spécial, n … Automatikos terminų žodynas
symbol — [[t]sɪ̱mb(ə)l[/t]] ♦♦♦ symbols 1) N COUNT: with supp Something that is a symbol of a society or an aspect of life seems to represent it because it is very typical of it. To them, the monarchy is the special symbol of nationhood... She was put… … English dictionary
Special relativity — (SR) (also known as the special theory of relativity or STR) is the physical theory of measurement in inertial frames of reference proposed in 1905 by Albert Einstein (after considerable contributions of Hendrik Lorentz and Henri Poincaré) in the … Wikipedia
Special regulation sign — Special regulation signs are road signs which are used to indicate a regulation or danger warning applying to one or more traffic lanes, indicate to lanes reserved for buses, indicate the beginning or end of a built up area or signs having zonal… … Wikipedia
Special Characters — have been given pronunciations similar to letters and numbers in a radio alphabet. The most common pronunciations originated with users of Unix systems. The following is a fairly complete list:ASCIICODE 21 ! bang 22 quote 23 # hash distinct from… … Wikipedia
Symbol grounding — The Symbol Grounding Problem is related to the problem of how words (symbols) get their meanings, and hence to the problem of what meaning itself really is. The problem of meaning is in turn related to the problem of consciousness, or how it is… … Wikipedia
Special Forces (United States Army) — Infobox Military Unit unit name= Special Forces branch caption=United States Army Special Forces shoulder sleeve insignia nickname=Green Berets motto= De Oppresso Liber ( To Liberate the Oppressed ) colors= march= ceremonial chief= type= Special… … Wikipedia
Special Operations Troops Centre — Infobox Military Unit unit name= Portuguese Army Special Operations caption= Special Operations Troops Center Emblem nickname= Rangers motto= Que os muitos por ser poucos nam temamos colors= march= ceremonial chief= type= Special Operations… … Wikipedia
Special Forces (Maldives) — MNDF Special Forces Special Forces Badge Active 2008 Present Country … Wikipedia
Special unitary group — In mathematics, the special unitary group of degree n , denoted SU( n ), is the group of n times; n unitary matrices with determinant 1. The group operation is that of matrix multiplication. The special unitary group is a subgroup of the unitary… … Wikipedia