- spatial reasoning
- пространственное мышление
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Spatial-temporal reasoning — is the ability to visualize spatial patterns and mentally manipulate them over a time ordered sequence of spatial transformations. This ability is important for generating and conceptualizing solutions to multi step problems that arise in areas… … Wikipedia
Diagrammatic reasoning — is reasoning by means of visual representations. The study of diagrammatic reasoning is about the understanding of concepts and ideas, visualized with the use of diagrams and imagery instead of by linguistic or algebraic means. Contents 1 Related … Wikipedia
Mental model theory of reasoning — Introduction The mental model theory of reasoning was developed by Philip Johnson Laird and Ruth M.J. Byrne (Johnson Laird and Byrne, 1991). It has been applied to the main domains of deductive inference including relational inferences such as… … Wikipedia
Mozart effect — The Mozart effect can refer to: A set of research results that indicate that listening to Mozart s music may induce a short term improvement on the performance of certain kinds of mental tasks known as spatial temporal reasoning; [1] Popularized… … Wikipedia
Sex and psychology — This article is about psychology and the male and female biological sexes. For information about human sexual perceptions, see Human sexuality. Research on sex and psychology investigates cognitive and behavioral differences between men and women … Wikipedia
Region Connection Calculus — The region connection calculus (RCC) serves for qualitative spatial representation and reasoning. RCC abstractly describes regions (in Euclidian space, or in a topological space) by their possible relations to each other. RCC8 consists of 8 basic … Wikipedia
Mereotopology — In formal ontology, a branch of metaphysics, and in ontological computer science, mereotopology is a first order theory, embodying mereological and topological concepts, of the relations among wholes, parts, parts of parts, and the boundaries… … Wikipedia
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale — (WAIS) is a general test of intelligence (IQ), published in February 1955 as a revision of the Wechsler Bellevue test (1939), a battery of tests that is composed from subtests Wechsler adopted from the Army Tests (Yerkes, 1921).Wechsler defined… … Wikipedia
Mereology — In philosophy and mathematical logic, mereology (from the Greek μέρος, root: μερε(σ) , part and the suffix logy study, discussion, science ) treats parts and the wholes they form. Whereas set theory is founded on the membership relation between a … Wikipedia
Logic in computer science — describes topics where logic is applied to computer science and artificial intelligence. These include:*Investigations into logic that are guided by applications in computer science. For example: Combinatory logic and Abstract interpretation;… … Wikipedia
Principles and Standards for School Mathematics — are guidelines produced by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) in 2000, setting forth recommendations for mathematics educators.[1] They form a national vision for preschool through twelfth grade mathematics education in the US … Wikipedia