- sparrowhawk
- (зоология) ястреб-перепелятник (Accipiter nisus) (зоология) пустельга воробьиная (Falco sparverius)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Sparrowhawk — or variants may refer to:BirdsSparrowhawk (sometimes Sparrow Hawk) may refer to several species of small hawk in the genus Accipiter . These include:* Chestnut flanked Sparrowhawk, A. castanilius * Collared Sparrowhawk, A. cirrocephalus *… … Wikipedia
sparrowhawk — ► NOUN 1) a small hawk that preys on small birds. 2) N. Amer. the American kestrel … English terms dictionary
sparrowhawk — sparrow hawk n. 1. A small hawk (Accipter nisus) of Europe, Africa, and central Asia that has short, broad wings and preys on sparrows and other small birds. 2. A small North American falcon (Falco sparverius) that hovers over fields and pastures … Universalium
sparrowhawk — UK [ˈspærəʊˌhɔːk] / US [ˈsperoʊˌhɔk] noun [countable] Word forms sparrowhawk : singular sparrowhawk plural sparrowhawks a small hawk that kills smaller birds for food … English dictionary
sparrowhawk — /ˈspæroʊhɔk / (say sparohhawk) noun 1. → collared sparrowhawk. 2. → nankeen kestrel. 3. any of certain small hawks of the genus Accipiter which prey on birds, especially the Eurasian sparrowhawk, A. nisus, of Eurasia and Africa, used in falconry …
Sparrowhawk — This interesting and unusual surname, derives from the Old English name Spearh(e)afoc , which means literally Sparrow hawk , and as such was found as a personal name before the Norman Conquest of 1066. In its later development as a surname it had … Surnames reference
sparrowhawk — noun A variant spelling of sparrow hawk … Wiktionary
sparrowhawk — spar|row|hawk [ sperou,hɔk ] noun count a small HAWK that kills smaller birds for food … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
sparrowhawk — n. small hawk that preys small birds; North American kestrel … English contemporary dictionary
sparrowhawk — noun a small Old World hawk that preys on small birds. [Accipiter nisus and related species.] ↘N. Amer. the American kestrel … English new terms dictionary
sparrowhawk — n. a small hawk, Accipiter nisus, preying on small birds … Useful english dictionary