- spar III
- n мин. полевой шпат, flour ~ плавиковый шпат
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
spar — I [[t]spɑr[/t]] n. v. sparred, spar•ring 1) naut. navig. a stout pole such as those used for masts; a mast, yard, boom, gaff, or the like 2) aer. a principal lateral member of the framework of a wing of an airplane 3) naut. navig. to provide or… … From formal English to slang
spar — I. /spa / (say spah) noun 1. Nautical a stout pole such as those used for masts, etc.; a mast, yard, boom, gaff, or the like. 2. Aeronautics a principal lateral member of the framework of a wing of an aeroplane. –verb (t) (sparred, sparring) 3.… …
spar — I. noun Etymology: Middle English sparre; akin to Old English spere spear more at spear Date: 14th century 1. a stout pole 2. a. a stout rounded usually wood or metal piece (as a mast, boom, gaff, or yard) used to support rigging b. any of the… … New Collegiate Dictionary
spar — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. i. box; stall, play for time; bandy words, argue, bicker, wrangle, dispute. See contention. n. mast, pole, gaff, boom, sprit, yard, bowsprit; varnish. See ship. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. sparring match … English dictionary for students
Albatros D.III — Role Fighter Manufacturer Albatros Flugzeugwerke Designer Robert Thelen First flight … Wikipedia
Julius Meinl III. — Julius Meinl III. (* 14. Februar 1903 in Wien; † 10. September 1991 ebenda) war ein österreichischer Unternehmer. Julius Meinl besuchte das Schottengymnasium. Er übernahm 1933 von seinem Vater Julius Meinl II. das familieneigene… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pfalz D.III — infobox Aircraft name = Pfalz D.III type = Fighter manufacturer = Pfalz Flugzeugwerke GmbH caption = designer = first flight = April 1917 introduced = retired = status = primary user = Luftstreitkräfte more users = produced = number built =… … Wikipedia
felspar — fel•spar [[t]ˈfɛlˌspɑr[/t]] n. mir feldspar • Etymology: < G Fels rock +spar III, by false etymological analysis … From formal English to slang
Sparen — 1. Auf Sparen folgt Haben. – Simrock, 9633; Sailer, 278. Engl.: Of saving comes having. 2. Besser gespart, als übel verwandt. Engl.: Better spared than ill spent. (Bohn II, 133.) 3. Das Sparen ist zu spät, wenn s auf die Neige geht. – Lohrengel,… … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
Salzburg (Stadt) — Salzburg Salzburg feel the inspiration![1] Wappen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Salzburg Altstadt — Salzburg Salzburg feel the inspiration![1] Wappen … Deutsch Wikipedia