Смотреть что такое "spacy" в других словарях:
spacy — (adj.) also spacey, 1885, large, roomy, spacious, from SPACE (Cf. space) (n.) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Meaning felt as characteristic of outer space (especially with reference to electronic music) is attested from 1971, probably influenced by spaced out… … Etymology dictionary
spacy — adjective a) spaced out This car is very spacy. b) eccentric His latest CD sounds very spacy … Wiktionary
Spacy — Recorded in several spelling forms including Spacie, Spacey, Spacy, and Speacie, this is an English surname. It is locational in origin, from a diminished if not quite actually lost , medieval village, near the town of Harrogate, in North… … Surnames reference
spacy — adj a. producing euphoria or evoking a dream like state Spacy music. This is spacy dope. b. behaving in a distracted, euphoric or spaced out way … Contemporary slang
spacy — spacey / spacy [adj] eccentric beat*, bizarre, crazy, dizzy, erratic, far out*, flaky, flighty, freakish, kooky, nutty, odd, oddball, offbeat, off center, off the wall*, out in left field, out to lunch*, peculiar, quirky, spaced out*, strange,… … New thesaurus
Spacy Apartment near Moscow State University — (Москва,Россия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Улица Строител … Каталог отелей
spacy — adjective see spacey … New Collegiate Dictionary
spacy — spac·y or spac·ey (spāʹsē) adj. Slang spac·i·er, spac·i·est 1. Stupefied or disoriented from or as if from drug use. 2. Eccentric; offbeat. * * * … Universalium
spacy — [[t]spe͟ɪsi[/t]] see spacey … English dictionary
spacy — adj. (also spelled spacey) confused, disoriented; spaced out, bewildered (as from drug use) … English contemporary dictionary
spacy — Go to spaced (out) … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions