- spaced-out
- (американизм) (сленг) одурманенный наркотиками
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
spaced out — (slang) In a dazed or stupefied state (as if) caused by the taking of drugs • • • Main Entry: ↑space * * * spaced out UK US adjective informal not paying attention, or not reacting properly Thesaurus: not paying attentionsynonym … Useful english dictionary
Spaced Out — is an animated series that aired 2002. It was co produced by several companies and television stations, among which Alphanim and Cartoon Network Europe. Spaced Out has aired in Europe (mostly on Cartoon Network), but not in the USA. It may parody … Wikipedia
spaced-out — ☆ spaced out [spāst′out′ ] adj. Slang under or as if under the influence of a drug: also spaced … English World dictionary
spaced-out — spaced′ out′ adj. Slang. 1) cvb sts dazed or stupefied by narcotic drugs 2) cvb sts dreamily or eerily out of touch with reality; disoriented, forgetful, or dazed • Etymology: 1965–70, amer … From formal English to slang
spaced out — adj informal not fully conscious of what is happening around you, especially because you are extremely tired or have taken drugs … Dictionary of contemporary English
spaced out — spaced ,out adjective INFORMAL not paying attention or not reacting properly … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
spaced-out — adjective 1. stupefied by (or as if by) some narcotic drug • Syn: ↑spacy, ↑spacey • Similar to: ↑unconventional 2. confused or disoriented as if intoxicated through taking a drug • Similar to: ↑confused … Useful english dictionary
spaced-out — also spaced out ADJ GRADED Someone who is spaced out feels as if nothing around them is real, usually because they have taken drugs or because they are very tired. [INFORMAL] He s got this spaced out look … English dictionary
spaced out — under the influence of illegal drugs Referring to the floating sensation, especially after ingesting a hallucinogen: The doctor arrived, but to our dismay he was totally incompetent. I mean, he was spaced out on drugs or something.… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
spaced-out — adjective Date: 1937 1. (or spaced) dazed or stupefied by or as if by a narcotic substance ; high 2. of very strange character ; weird < a spaced out fantasy > … New Collegiate Dictionary
spaced (out) — AND spacy mod. silly; giddy. □ I have such spaced out parents! □ He’s so spaced! □ I love my spacy old dad … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions