space parity

space parity
контроль по нулевому биту четности

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "space parity" в других словарях:

  • space parity — This is when the parity bit is always set at a binary 0 …   Dictionary of telecommunications

  • space parity —    See parity …   Dictionary of networking

  • Parity bit — 7 bits of data (number of 1s) 8 bits including parity even odd 0000000 (0) 00000000 10000000 1010001 (3) 11010001 01010001 1101001 (4) 01101001 11101001 1111111 (7) 11111111 …   Wikipedia

  • parity bit — Most modems have the capability to send an extra bit for every byte sent, which is used to help sense errors. This is called the parity bit. It can be set to no parity, mark parity, space parity, odd parity, or even parity. Most BBS s use do not… …   Dictionary of telecommunications

  • Parity of esteem — is a phrase used in political philosophy to explain a theory to overcome inter communal conflict. Promoters of the theory argue that parity of esteem offers a language for negotiation of a post conflict equilibrium. This negotiation begins with… …   Wikipedia

  • Parity (physics) — Flavour in particle physics Flavour quantum numbers: Isospin: I or I3 Charm: C Strangeness: S Topness: T Bottomness: B′ Related quantum numbers: Baryon number: B Lepton number: L Weak isospin: T or T3 Electric charge: Q …   Wikipedia

  • Parity of zero — Zero objects, divided into two equal groups Zero is an even number. In other words, its parity the quality of an integer being even or odd is even. Zero fits the definition of even number : it is an integer multiple of 2, namely 0 × 2. As a… …   Wikipedia

  • Parity (mathematics) — In mathematics, the parity of an object states whether it is even or odd. This concept begins with integers. An even number is an integer that is evenly divisible by 2, i.e., divisible by 2 without remainder; an odd number is an integer that is… …   Wikipedia

  • parity —    In communications, a simple form of error checking that uses an extra or redundant bit after the data bits but before the stop bit or bits. Parity may be set as follows:    • Odd    Indicates that the sum of all the 1 bit is set to zero; if it …   Dictionary of networking

  • Parity — Codetafel dualergänztes gerades Paritätsbit (E = even = gerade) Codetafel dualergänztes ungerades Paritätsbit (O = odd = ungerade) Die Paritätskontrol …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Parity-Bit — Codetafel dualergänztes gerades Paritätsbit (E = even = gerade) Codetafel dualergänztes ungerades Paritätsbit (O = odd = ungerade) Die Paritätskontrol …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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